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Republican changes or the Emperor's agenda: The press's opposition to the monarchy in the 1870s and the discourse on expanding citizenship

This article presents part of the results I obtained from the research I developed throughout my doctorate, analyzing the opposition speech given in the press of the Brazilian Court in the 1870s. This year is the historiographical milestone for the beginning of the collapse of the monarchical regime by date the publication of the Republican Manifesto, which is also the first edition of the newspaper A República, a propaganda sheet for the then newly created Republican Party. However, when analyzing the performance of the press in this decade, it is observed that republican newspapers disappeared after the end of The Republic, and opposition newspapers, instead of acting in favor of a new regime, acted in function of the measures of the government, which were the same ones that the Republicans defended for the extension of citizenship.

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Republican changes or the Emperor's agenda: The press's opposition to the monarchy in the 1870s and the discourse on expanding citizenship

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583402319101

  • Palavras-chave: Republic; republicanism; press; Monarchy; Impire; liberalism; citizenship

  • Keywords: Republic; republicanism; press; Monarchy; Impire; liberalism; citizenship

  • Abstract: This article presents part of the results I obtained from the research I developed throughout my doctorate, analyzing the opposition speech given in the press of the Brazilian Court in the 1870s. This year is the historiographical milestone for the beginning of the collapse of the monarchical regime by date the publication of the Republican Manifesto, which is also the first edition of the newspaper A República, a propaganda sheet for the then newly created Republican Party. However, when analyzing the performance of the press in this decade, it is observed that republican newspapers disappeared after the end of The Republic, and opposition newspapers, instead of acting in favor of a new regime, acted in function of the measures of the government, which were the same ones that the Republicans defended for the extension of citizenship.

  • Mariana Nunes de Carvalho
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