There are many reasons why teachers work as professors; the interesting thing is that in pedagogical careers as well as in other disciplines, there are applicants who are not clear about their vocational interests, sometimes they do not wish to pursue these studies and feel obliged to remain in a career that does not convince them. Therefore, the university has a great challenge to ensure that even though they do not like what they are studying, they know how to find elements that will make them fall in love with their profession. Pérez and Blasco (2001), argue that in the entrance to a given career there is an underlying inclination motivated by various reasons towards an area of work or profession, which would explain why a person wishes to approach it and delve deeper into it, in most cases becoming the profession of a lifetime.
In particular, an adequate career choice is vital, since an unmotivated teacher may represent weaknesses and a threat to the achievement of the goals of the educational process, with negative social consequences for students. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation constitute the sum of forces that energize actions in school practices so that users can receive opportunities for a liberating education.
Palavras-chave: Teacher motivation, educational practice, liberating education.
Keywords: Teacher motivation, educational practice, liberating education.
There are many reasons why teachers work as professors; the interesting thing is that in pedagogical careers as well as in other disciplines, there are applicants who are not clear about their vocational interests, sometimes they do not wish to pursue these studies and feel obliged to remain in a career that does not convince them. Therefore, the university has a great challenge to ensure that even though they do not like what they are studying, they know how to find elements that will make them fall in love with their profession. Pérez and Blasco (2001), argue that in the entrance to a given career there is an underlying inclination motivated by various reasons towards an area of work or profession, which would explain why a person wishes to approach it and delve deeper into it, in most cases becoming the profession of a lifetime.
In particular, an adequate career choice is vital, since an unmotivated teacher may represent weaknesses and a threat to the achievement of the goals of the educational process, with negative social consequences for students. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation constitute the sum of forces that energize actions in school practices so that users can receive opportunities for a liberating education.
- Marco Antonio Gamboa Robles
- María Julieta Maldonado Figueroa
- María Angélica Quiroz Leyva
- José Rubén Aragón Bastidas