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Monoarthritis suggestive of tuberculosis in an adolescent: case report

Osteoarticular infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is more common in children and adolescents than in adults. A suggestive picture is monoarthritis with histopathology of the lesion demonstrating granulomatous reaction. Its diagnosis is suggested by family history or close contact with a positive person, positive Mantoux (80% of cases), positive synovial fluid culture (75%), biopsy with granulomatous reaction and positive synovial membrane culture in up to 90% In most cases, imaging exams can demonstrate bone destruction, cysts, cavitations.

This paper presents a case report of a patient with monoarthritis in the hand, with a picture suggestive of infectious arthritis due to TB, but without biopsy confirmation and who evolved with a good response to the therapeutic test.

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Monoarthritis suggestive of tuberculosis in an adolescent: case report

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592702215112

  • Palavras-chave: arthritis, tuberculosis

  • Keywords: arthritis, tuberculosis

  • Abstract:

    Osteoarticular infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is more common in children and adolescents than in adults. A suggestive picture is monoarthritis with histopathology of the lesion demonstrating granulomatous reaction. Its diagnosis is suggested by family history or close contact with a positive person, positive Mantoux (80% of cases), positive synovial fluid culture (75%), biopsy with granulomatous reaction and positive synovial membrane culture in up to 90% In most cases, imaging exams can demonstrate bone destruction, cysts, cavitations.

    This paper presents a case report of a patient with monoarthritis in the hand, with a picture suggestive of infectious arthritis due to TB, but without biopsy confirmation and who evolved with a good response to the therapeutic test.

  • Valéria Rossato
  • Paula Consoline Micheletto
  • Isabela de Oliveira Vieira da Silva
  • Nubia Cristiba do Carmo
  • Roberto Marini
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