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Monitoring erosive processes and functions on the banks of the reservoir of the UHE Sergio Motta (Porto Primavera): development of technologies through an R&D Project

Hydroelectric power is an important source of energy for the Brazilian Electricity Sector. However, the generation of hydroelectric energy depends on the implementation of water reservoirs, which pose great challenges for their environmental management. One of these challenges is the monitoring, control and management of marginal erosion processes. This challenge is compounded by the absence of robust data on the behavior of these processes. This article presents the methodology of a Research & Development Project being carried out by Auren Energia S.A. and by ``Epona Consultoria e Meio Ambiente Ltda``. whose objective is to develop monitoring techniques that allow the monitoring of large areas, with lower costs than monitoring through the techniques currently used, and with reduced risks to the health and safety of the workers involved. This objective will be achieved through the development of unmanned autonomous vehicles and the development of automated data processing techniques, reducing the information processing time. 

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Monitoring erosive processes and functions on the banks of the reservoir of the UHE Sergio Motta (Porto Primavera): development of technologies through an R&D Project

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.31732523240710

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    Hydroelectric power is an important source of energy for the Brazilian Electricity Sector. However, the generation of hydroelectric energy depends on the implementation of water reservoirs, which pose great challenges for their environmental management. One of these challenges is the monitoring, control and management of marginal erosion processes. This challenge is compounded by the absence of robust data on the behavior of these processes. This article presents the methodology of a Research & Development Project being carried out by Auren Energia S.A. and by ``Epona Consultoria e Meio Ambiente Ltda``. whose objective is to develop monitoring techniques that allow the monitoring of large areas, with lower costs than monitoring through the techniques currently used, and with reduced risks to the health and safety of the workers involved. This objective will be achieved through the development of unmanned autonomous vehicles and the development of automated data processing techniques, reducing the information processing time. 

  • Marcus Vinícius Antunes de Moraes
  • Mauricio Fava Rubio
  • Douglas de Oliveira Reis
  • Ovídio Joaquim dos Santos Junior
  • José Tadeu GarciaTommaselli
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