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MOCAP and the Digital Revolution in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Digitization of the Typical Bambuco Tolimense Dance

Culture reflects the identity and history of a people and represents a precious heritage that we must preserve and transmit to future generations. By sharing our culture with young people, we give them the opportunity to connect with their roots, understand where they come from, and develop a sense of belonging and pride in their community.
Preserving the culture of a community using new technologies has become an invaluable tool in the digital age. These technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to document, preserve and disseminate cultural heritage in an accessible and global way. By digitizing files, photos, audio and video recordings, creating databases and online platforms, we can safely store and preserve the cultural wealth of our communities.
Motion capture suits, also known as MOCAP (Motion Capture), play a vital role in many industries, from entertainment to medicine and scientific research. Del Rio (Kuroiwa, 2017). These suits are designed to record and capture human movements with great precision, allowing you to create realistic animations and visual effects. At the SENA Tolima Tecnoacademia, a MOCAP has been used for the digitization and subsequent production of 3D digital content of the choreography of the typical Tolimense bambuco dance.
The integration of technologies such as motion capture suits into cultural preservation represents an exciting advance in heritage conservation and dissemination. By using MOCAP to digitize and recreate choreographies of traditional dances, such as the Tolima bambuco at the SENA Tolima Tecnoacademia, a door opens to new ways of experiencing and appreciating the richness of our culture. These initiatives not only keep traditions alive, but also make them accessible to a wider audience, helping to strengthen the bond between present and future generations with their cultural heritage.

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MOCAP and the Digital Revolution in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Digitization of the Typical Bambuco Tolimense Dance

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  • Abstract:

    Culture reflects the identity and history of a people and represents a precious heritage that we must preserve and transmit to future generations. By sharing our culture with young people, we give them the opportunity to connect with their roots, understand where they come from, and develop a sense of belonging and pride in their community.
    Preserving the culture of a community using new technologies has become an invaluable tool in the digital age. These technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to document, preserve and disseminate cultural heritage in an accessible and global way. By digitizing files, photos, audio and video recordings, creating databases and online platforms, we can safely store and preserve the cultural wealth of our communities.
    Motion capture suits, also known as MOCAP (Motion Capture), play a vital role in many industries, from entertainment to medicine and scientific research. Del Rio (Kuroiwa, 2017). These suits are designed to record and capture human movements with great precision, allowing you to create realistic animations and visual effects. At the SENA Tolima Tecnoacademia, a MOCAP has been used for the digitization and subsequent production of 3D digital content of the choreography of the typical Tolimense bambuco dance.
    The integration of technologies such as motion capture suits into cultural preservation represents an exciting advance in heritage conservation and dissemination. By using MOCAP to digitize and recreate choreographies of traditional dances, such as the Tolima bambuco at the SENA Tolima Tecnoacademia, a door opens to new ways of experiencing and appreciating the richness of our culture. These initiatives not only keep traditions alive, but also make them accessible to a wider audience, helping to strengthen the bond between present and future generations with their cultural heritage.

  • Solanlly Sánchez Melo
  • Elber Fernando Camelo Quintero
  • Daniel Felipe Tovar Pedroza
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