Artigo - Atena Editora


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ABSTRACT: The cause of myelopathy in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is not well understood, but this disease may be the result of an autoimmune reaction. Some authors suggest that there is a relationship between phospholipid antibodies and myelopathy. Transverse myelitis presents as a late manifestation of SLE, however, in rare cases, it may be the initial manifestation and occur regardless of systemic disease activity. After etiological investigation, in the case to be reported, diagnoses of SLE with neurological involvement (transverse myelitis) and urinary infection were assumed.
GOAL: To report the case of a young patient diagnosed with SLE, who opened with urinary infection and transverse myelitis, describe her clinical, laboratory, imaging findings, treatment and evolution, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis, recognition of its various interfaces and emergency intervention. 
METHODS: In order to carry out this study, data from the medical records, interviews with the patient and family, photographic records of the diagnostic methods to which the patient was submitted and a literature review were analyzed with a search in the Scielo, Medline and Lilacs databases about the subject.
CONCLUSION: The case reported and the publications studied reinforce the emergency character and the identification of predisposing factors, clinical symptoms, imaging and laboratory tests for early recognition of SLE. Although rare, myelitis causes high morbidity and mortality. Some deaths during an episode of myelopathy, from sepsis during or after immunosuppressive therapy have been observed in studies.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593682301099

  • Palavras-chave: LES, Myelopathy, Transverse Myelitis, Infection, Early Diagnosis.

  • Keywords: LES, Myelopathy, Transverse Myelitis, Infection, Early Diagnosis.

  • Abstract:

    ABSTRACT: The cause of myelopathy in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is not well understood, but this disease may be the result of an autoimmune reaction. Some authors suggest that there is a relationship between phospholipid antibodies and myelopathy. Transverse myelitis presents as a late manifestation of SLE, however, in rare cases, it may be the initial manifestation and occur regardless of systemic disease activity. After etiological investigation, in the case to be reported, diagnoses of SLE with neurological involvement (transverse myelitis) and urinary infection were assumed.
    GOAL: To report the case of a young patient diagnosed with SLE, who opened with urinary infection and transverse myelitis, describe her clinical, laboratory, imaging findings, treatment and evolution, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis, recognition of its various interfaces and emergency intervention. 
    METHODS: In order to carry out this study, data from the medical records, interviews with the patient and family, photographic records of the diagnostic methods to which the patient was submitted and a literature review were analyzed with a search in the Scielo, Medline and Lilacs databases about the subject.
    CONCLUSION: The case reported and the publications studied reinforce the emergency character and the identification of predisposing factors, clinical symptoms, imaging and laboratory tests for early recognition of SLE. Although rare, myelitis causes high morbidity and mortality. Some deaths during an episode of myelopathy, from sepsis during or after immunosuppressive therapy have been observed in studies.

  • Brenda Santana Araujo Giacomo
  • Celcilene Marques dos Santos Castelo Branco
  • Leticia Costa Sousa Nina
  • Maria Camila Santos de Souza
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