Artigo - Atena Editora


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Bié is referred to as an endemic location for filariasis and has never been selected for mass administration ivermectin. To understand the situation, we did a study in the locality of Chicala, in Kuito and evaluated the co-endemicity of human filariasis, to obtain data via calibrated thick droplet microscopy and subcutaneous biopsy of samples collected in Chicala in Kuito, Bié and samples collected and preserved on Wathman filter paper for molecular diagnosis of filariae; Material and methods; The research was approved by the ethics committee of the Agostinho Neto University medical school. in deliberation number: 17/2021 and the samples collected after free and informed consent, the universe was 6015 people, data obtained from the local administration and was selected probabilistically from an approximate value of n0 400, the sample of 320 participants distributed in 12 conglomerates where we did research prolectively; The field work involved 2 microscopes, to read the slides, 2 interviewers, 1 guide and 1 driver; The Oncocerca volvulus worm was isolated from subcutaneous cellular tissue extracted from the iliac crest and/or calf muscles and crushed on a glass slide, hydrated in 1 drop of saline and analyzed using a binocular microscope (HC Olympus®), with a 100x objective., regarding the presence or absence of the filaria Oncocerca volvulus and one drop of fresh blood was collected by digital puncture and applied to the slide in a smear and on top of the slide and stained with giemsa and analyzed under the Binocular microscope (HC Olympus®) for the presence or absence of the filariae Wuchereria bancrofty and Loa Loa. All survey data were entered into Microsoft Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS version 21 statistical software was used for analysis. Results The average age of participants in the study was 39.8 years, the findings found in the calibrated thick drop were 0.3%, (+) positive for Wuchereria bancrofty and subcutaneous biopsy 52.8% (+) positive for Oncocerca volvulus, 169/320 tests, 62.8% of participants were female, 0.3% of male participants had a positive calibrated thick drop (+) for wuchereria bancrofty, no observation of the characteristic eye worm was not registered Loa loa and 35% of women had a positive biopsy (+) and 17% of men had a biopsy (+) for Oncocerca volvulus at the age of 46-61 years, 0.3% had a positive (+) for Wuchereria bancrofty and, 17.5% positive (+) for oncocerca volvulus, and from 14 -29 years old, 17.2%, (+) and 30-45 years old, 14.1% for oncocerca volvulus. The results in the conglomerates were: Ngombakasi, 0.3% positive (+) for wuchereria bancrofty and Chilomba 8.1%, Lumbachagi, 7.2%, Kalale, 6.9% and João Kapa 6.6% positive (+), for oncocerca volvulus, the results of samples preserved on filter paper from the residents of Chikala are missing. Conclusions. The Chicala in the municipality of Kuito, province of Bié, is hyperendemic for Oncocerca volvulus, a prevalence above 50%, and hypoendemic for Wuchereria bancrofty, a prevalence lower than 10% with Loiasis outbreaks in the province to be determined; which allows the provincial authorities to invest in the mass administration of ivermectin because the risk of side effects is minimal or irrelevant.


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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Oncocerca Volvulus; Loa; Wuchereria bancrofty, neglected tropical diseases

  • Keywords: Oncocerca Volvulus; Loa; Wuchereria bancrofty, neglected tropical diseases

  • Abstract:

    Bié is referred to as an endemic location for filariasis and has never been selected for mass administration ivermectin. To understand the situation, we did a study in the locality of Chicala, in Kuito and evaluated the co-endemicity of human filariasis, to obtain data via calibrated thick droplet microscopy and subcutaneous biopsy of samples collected in Chicala in Kuito, Bié and samples collected and preserved on Wathman filter paper for molecular diagnosis of filariae; Material and methods; The research was approved by the ethics committee of the Agostinho Neto University medical school. in deliberation number: 17/2021 and the samples collected after free and informed consent, the universe was 6015 people, data obtained from the local administration and was selected probabilistically from an approximate value of n0 400, the sample of 320 participants distributed in 12 conglomerates where we did research prolectively; The field work involved 2 microscopes, to read the slides, 2 interviewers, 1 guide and 1 driver; The Oncocerca volvulus worm was isolated from subcutaneous cellular tissue extracted from the iliac crest and/or calf muscles and crushed on a glass slide, hydrated in 1 drop of saline and analyzed using a binocular microscope (HC Olympus®), with a 100x objective., regarding the presence or absence of the filaria Oncocerca volvulus and one drop of fresh blood was collected by digital puncture and applied to the slide in a smear and on top of the slide and stained with giemsa and analyzed under the Binocular microscope (HC Olympus®) for the presence or absence of the filariae Wuchereria bancrofty and Loa Loa. All survey data were entered into Microsoft Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS version 21 statistical software was used for analysis. Results The average age of participants in the study was 39.8 years, the findings found in the calibrated thick drop were 0.3%, (+) positive for Wuchereria bancrofty and subcutaneous biopsy 52.8% (+) positive for Oncocerca volvulus, 169/320 tests, 62.8% of participants were female, 0.3% of male participants had a positive calibrated thick drop (+) for wuchereria bancrofty, no observation of the characteristic eye worm was not registered Loa loa and 35% of women had a positive biopsy (+) and 17% of men had a biopsy (+) for Oncocerca volvulus at the age of 46-61 years, 0.3% had a positive (+) for Wuchereria bancrofty and, 17.5% positive (+) for oncocerca volvulus, and from 14 -29 years old, 17.2%, (+) and 30-45 years old, 14.1% for oncocerca volvulus. The results in the conglomerates were: Ngombakasi, 0.3% positive (+) for wuchereria bancrofty and Chilomba 8.1%, Lumbachagi, 7.2%, Kalale, 6.9% and João Kapa 6.6% positive (+), for oncocerca volvulus, the results of samples preserved on filter paper from the residents of Chikala are missing. Conclusions. The Chicala in the municipality of Kuito, province of Bié, is hyperendemic for Oncocerca volvulus, a prevalence above 50%, and hypoendemic for Wuchereria bancrofty, a prevalence lower than 10% with Loiasis outbreaks in the province to be determined; which allows the provincial authorities to invest in the mass administration of ivermectin because the risk of side effects is minimal or irrelevant.


  • Pedro José Dias Van-Dúnem
  • Sandra Lopes lamezon
  • Miguel Brito
  • Manuel Lemos
  • Silvano Catumbela
  • Salas Pinda
  • Argílio Capusso
  • Ginga Luciano Braga
  • João Brás
  • Jacinta Chaves Figueiredo2
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