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Active methodologies and their uses in mathematics: gamification as a learning strategy

The modern world calls for modern solutions and education could not be different. Many active methodologies are being proposed so that mathematics classes in particular can become more meaningful for children and young people in general. Therefore, the use of active methodologies, in particular gamification, presents itself as a good answer to increasing students' academic performance. The objective of this article was to verify whether there was a gain in the performance of students in the 5th and 6th years, elementary school at Santa Luzia school, in the city of Campos Gerais/MG. Linked to the Anglo/SOMOS network. Such observations were carried out during the period from April to October 2023. Such an effort is justified by presenting an effective use of technologies in favor of the school and not generating a war between students and teaching and learning methods used by young people, that is, speaking the same language they are speaking. (H0) is confirmed to the detriment of (H1) when at the end of the second two months there was a gain of 20 to 30%, on average, in students' quantitative learning and performance. The methodology used to carry out this work is predominantly observational and the results are presented in a descriptive manner. It is, therefore, a qualitative research. Held with students in the 5th and 6th years, elementary school at Santa Luzia school, in the city of Campos Gerais/MG. Linked to the Anglo/SOMOS network. Such observations were carried out during the period from April to October 2023. Finally, it must be noted that gamification does not provide 100% benefits and that some care must be taken. The fact that the network has integrated and transversal material is reinforced, as well as other games that favor the diversification and progression of students, so that it does not become a boring and repetitive activity.

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Active methodologies and their uses in mathematics: gamification as a learning strategy

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173402324119

  • Palavras-chave: Active methodologies. Learning strategies. Gamification. Matfic.

  • Keywords: Active methodologies. Learning strategies. Gamification. Matfic.

  • Abstract:

    The modern world calls for modern solutions and education could not be different. Many active methodologies are being proposed so that mathematics classes in particular can become more meaningful for children and young people in general. Therefore, the use of active methodologies, in particular gamification, presents itself as a good answer to increasing students' academic performance. The objective of this article was to verify whether there was a gain in the performance of students in the 5th and 6th years, elementary school at Santa Luzia school, in the city of Campos Gerais/MG. Linked to the Anglo/SOMOS network. Such observations were carried out during the period from April to October 2023. Such an effort is justified by presenting an effective use of technologies in favor of the school and not generating a war between students and teaching and learning methods used by young people, that is, speaking the same language they are speaking. (H0) is confirmed to the detriment of (H1) when at the end of the second two months there was a gain of 20 to 30%, on average, in students' quantitative learning and performance. The methodology used to carry out this work is predominantly observational and the results are presented in a descriptive manner. It is, therefore, a qualitative research. Held with students in the 5th and 6th years, elementary school at Santa Luzia school, in the city of Campos Gerais/MG. Linked to the Anglo/SOMOS network. Such observations were carried out during the period from April to October 2023. Finally, it must be noted that gamification does not provide 100% benefits and that some care must be taken. The fact that the network has integrated and transversal material is reinforced, as well as other games that favor the diversification and progression of students, so that it does not become a boring and repetitive activity.

  • Ademilson Pereira Ribeiro
  • Ademir José de Abreu
  • Anderson Ferreira da Silva
  • Francis de Paula Junqueira
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