“Menos Luiza Que Está no Canadá!”. The Convergence of Mediatized Discourse Affecting Media Fields
This article analyzes how a fragment of mediatized discourse created proceduralities, interconnecting and generating circulation and production of new circuits through media fields – advertising, television journalism, online journalism, music – engendered, mainly by social networks from mediatization, and convergence. In this sense, this text has two axes of discussion: the first seeks to discuss the main concepts related to the mediatization process and its characteristics based on the discussions pointed out by Fausto Neto, Sodré, Véron, Gomes, Braga, Ferreira; the second seeks to analyze the convergence, from the point of view of content across media fields, pointing to the circulation and production of new circuits. Therefore, the study is of an exploratory descriptive analytical nature on portals and Web protocols such as G1, Correio de Uberlandia, youtube, analyzing social practices from media products and discursive interactions. Indeed, considering the processualities of mediatized discourse and its practices, there are mutual affects on individuals, created devices and media fields.
“Menos Luiza Que Está no Canadá!”. The Convergence of Mediatized Discourse Affecting Media Fields
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.21632323110910
Palavras-chave: Mediatization, Convergence, Circulation, Media Fields.
Keywords: Mediatization, Convergence, Circulation, Media Fields.
This article analyzes how a fragment of mediatized discourse created proceduralities, interconnecting and generating circulation and production of new circuits through media fields – advertising, television journalism, online journalism, music – engendered, mainly by social networks from mediatization, and convergence. In this sense, this text has two axes of discussion: the first seeks to discuss the main concepts related to the mediatization process and its characteristics based on the discussions pointed out by Fausto Neto, Sodré, Véron, Gomes, Braga, Ferreira; the second seeks to analyze the convergence, from the point of view of content across media fields, pointing to the circulation and production of new circuits. Therefore, the study is of an exploratory descriptive analytical nature on portals and Web protocols such as G1, Correio de Uberlandia, youtube, analyzing social practices from media products and discursive interactions. Indeed, considering the processualities of mediatized discourse and its practices, there are mutual affects on individuals, created devices and media fields.
- Achylles de Oliveira Costa Junior