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Goal: To understand the relevant aspects regarding Uveal Melanoma. Methods: This is a literature review using the terms: “uveal melanoma”, “choroidal melanoma”, “ciliary body melanoma” and “iris melanoma” in the PubMed and Medline databases, with articles selected from among 2017 and 2023 that best relate to the objectives of this work, which is to review the most relevant aspects of this important disease. Literature Review: Melanoma is a serious cancer originating in melanin-producing cells, predominantly found in the skin and mucous membranes, but occasionally affecting the eyes. Representing around 5% of ocular cases, uveal melanoma, especially in the choroid, is the most common in adults. Risk factors include fair skin, advanced age and genetic predisposition. Symptoms vary depending on the size and location of the tumor, making diagnosis challenging. Treatments such as Thermotherapy and Brachytherapy depend on the specific characteristics of the lesion and delays in diagnosis result in a worse prognosis, with the size of the tumor being a critical indicator. Understanding clinical, molecular and genetic aspects is crucial to stratify risks and guide therapies, highlighting the need for personalized approaches to improve outcomes and reduce mortality rates.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Uveal Melanoma, Choroidal Melanoma, Iris Melanoma, Ciliary Body Melanoma.

  • Keywords: Uveal Melanoma, Choroidal Melanoma, Iris Melanoma, Ciliary Body Melanoma.

  • Abstract:

    Goal: To understand the relevant aspects regarding Uveal Melanoma. Methods: This is a literature review using the terms: “uveal melanoma”, “choroidal melanoma”, “ciliary body melanoma” and “iris melanoma” in the PubMed and Medline databases, with articles selected from among 2017 and 2023 that best relate to the objectives of this work, which is to review the most relevant aspects of this important disease. Literature Review: Melanoma is a serious cancer originating in melanin-producing cells, predominantly found in the skin and mucous membranes, but occasionally affecting the eyes. Representing around 5% of ocular cases, uveal melanoma, especially in the choroid, is the most common in adults. Risk factors include fair skin, advanced age and genetic predisposition. Symptoms vary depending on the size and location of the tumor, making diagnosis challenging. Treatments such as Thermotherapy and Brachytherapy depend on the specific characteristics of the lesion and delays in diagnosis result in a worse prognosis, with the size of the tumor being a critical indicator. Understanding clinical, molecular and genetic aspects is crucial to stratify risks and guide therapies, highlighting the need for personalized approaches to improve outcomes and reduce mortality rates.

  • Silvio Tibo Cardoso Filho
  • Luan Mendes de Matos
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