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Meaningful learning and teaching process. The implementation of Counseling and Ontological Coaching strategies as enabling tools in the learning –teaching personalized process in modern education

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Meaningful learning and teaching process. The implementation of Counseling and Ontological Coaching strategies as enabling tools in the learning –teaching personalized process in modern education

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Creativity, active listening, assertive communication, empathy, social intelligence, deep relations, trust

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract: The proposal is based on the implementation of ontological Coaching and person-centered Counselling tools in the area of education to achieve meaningful, free, individual and responsible learning through humanistic and holistic elements that enable both, group and individual development. Consequently, foster relational depth bonds between parties that generate a proper atmosphere to develop trust and openness as well as personal deployment. Whereas the (P.C.A.) person centered approach of  C. Rogers considers the person a spiritual biophysical entity capable of using his/her abilities of active listening, generative and descriptive communication, empathy and acceptance towards others, helping them to overcome their crisis and conflicts, open to generating responses that benefit the personal self and the system that surrounds, thus creating a new social and relational reality in a more humane and fairer society, Ontological Coaching offers the tools to , identify, choose, manage and apply  abilities and strategies  to achieve the best results possible. At present, educational demands   from the facilitator to develop attitudes of empathy, unconditional acceptance, not judging or valuing the other but actively listening to them in an atmosphere of warmth and professional congruence.  In addition to teaching curricula, soft abilities and both descriptive and assertive communication. The training proposal is aimed at professionals  in the field of education who acknowledge all the actors that make up the triad and  includes  both work, social and personal dynamics that will enable the development of tools and strategies to facilitate significance and re-signification of learnt concepts so that they can be assertively transported to the real world, avoiding human conflicts in pursuit of peace and the development of social intelligence.

  • Clara Esponda Cruces
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