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MARIA AND NATALINA: the representation of violence against black women in the work: ‘’Olhos d’água’’ by Conceição Evaristo

Gender violence, present in Conceição Evaristo's literature, dialogues with situations experienced daily by black women, belonging to a less favored social class. In the short stories “Maria” and “How many children did Natalina have?” the trajectory of black protagonists who are victims of sexual, verbal, physical violence and feminicide is followed. This way, the present work proposes to discuss the representation of violence against black women from the narratives of Conceição Evaristo. The research is bibliographic in nature, thus seeking a dialogue with feminist theories, such as Hooks (2015); Saffioti (2004) and Pateman (1993). Based on the analyses, it was observed that the protagonists of Evaristian short stories were violated by issues related mainly to gender, race and class.

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MARIA AND NATALINA: the representation of violence against black women in the work: ‘’Olhos d’água’’ by Conceição Evaristo

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929282228115

  • Palavras-chave: Violence. Genre. Black woman.

  • Keywords: Violence. Genre. Black woman.

  • Abstract:

    Gender violence, present in Conceição Evaristo's literature, dialogues with situations experienced daily by black women, belonging to a less favored social class. In the short stories “Maria” and “How many children did Natalina have?” the trajectory of black protagonists who are victims of sexual, verbal, physical violence and feminicide is followed. This way, the present work proposes to discuss the representation of violence against black women from the narratives of Conceição Evaristo. The research is bibliographic in nature, thus seeking a dialogue with feminist theories, such as Hooks (2015); Saffioti (2004) and Pateman (1993). Based on the analyses, it was observed that the protagonists of Evaristian short stories were violated by issues related mainly to gender, race and class.

  • Maria do Desterro da Conceição Silva
  • Sara Regina de Oliveira Lima
  • Eric Tyrone Carvalho Mota
  • Alody Costa Cassemiro
  • Lívia Maria da Costa Carvalho
  • Jônata Alisson Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Clarissa da Costa Carvalho
  • Solange da Luz Rodrigues
  • Thaís Rodrigues da Silva
  • Maria do Carmo Moreira de Carvalho
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