Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: In 2021, population vaccination against COVID-19 began worldwide. The different vaccines used were associated with different dermatological manifestations in part of the population. Objective: To evaluate which were the most prevalent manifestations, their relationships with the type of vaccine, reaction time and epidemiological data (age and sex). Methodology: Systematic Literature Review, composed of reports or series of case reports selected from the databases: Google Scholar and PubMed, published between January 2021 and August 2022. The descriptors were: ''COVID-19'', ' 'Dermatological'', ''Manifestations'', ''Vaccine'', with the filter ''Case Reports''. Statistical analysis was performed using the Microsoft Excel program. Articles belonging to other study modalities and which did not present reported cases were excluded. Continuous variables were presented as mean ± standard deviation and categorical data as percentages/absolute values. Results: 49 articles were selected, totaling 85 reported cases. The vaccines used were: Pfizer (54.11%), Covishield – Oxford Astrazeneca (19.99%), Moderna (18.82%), Coronavac (3.52%), Sinopharm – BBIBP-CorV (2.35% ) and Covaxin (1.17%). The main dermatological manifestations observed were: herpes zoster (10.50%), ptiariasis rosea/ptiariasis rosea-like (9.41%), urticarial manifestations (9.41%), leukocytoclastic vasculitis (7.05%), rashes/ eczematous dermatitis (5.88%), perniosis/chilblains (3.52%), ptiariasis rubra (2.35%), vitiligo (2.35%) and neutrophilic rash (2.35%). At Pfizer, the most recurrent manifestations were urticarial manifestations (15.21%), eruptions/eczematous dermatitis (10.86%) and herpes zoster (8.69%). At Covishield – Oxford Astrazeneca, the manifestations were Herpes Zoster (23.52%) and Ptiariasis Rosea/Ptiariasis Rosea Like (17.64%). In Moderna, the manifestations were papules/chilblains (18.75%), vitiligo (12.50%) and neutrophilic rash (12.50%). Among the 85 patients, there was only 1 death. Final Considerations: Considering that COVID-19 is a nosological entity still under discovery, the study of manifestations related to vaccines remains essential for the prevention of undesirable outcomes.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593882318102

  • Palavras-chave: Coronavirus; COVID-19; Vaccine; Dermatological manifestations.

  • Keywords: Coronavirus; COVID-19; Vaccine; Dermatological manifestations.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: In 2021, population vaccination against COVID-19 began worldwide. The different vaccines used were associated with different dermatological manifestations in part of the population. Objective: To evaluate which were the most prevalent manifestations, their relationships with the type of vaccine, reaction time and epidemiological data (age and sex). Methodology: Systematic Literature Review, composed of reports or series of case reports selected from the databases: Google Scholar and PubMed, published between January 2021 and August 2022. The descriptors were: ''COVID-19'', ' 'Dermatological'', ''Manifestations'', ''Vaccine'', with the filter ''Case Reports''. Statistical analysis was performed using the Microsoft Excel program. Articles belonging to other study modalities and which did not present reported cases were excluded. Continuous variables were presented as mean ± standard deviation and categorical data as percentages/absolute values. Results: 49 articles were selected, totaling 85 reported cases. The vaccines used were: Pfizer (54.11%), Covishield – Oxford Astrazeneca (19.99%), Moderna (18.82%), Coronavac (3.52%), Sinopharm – BBIBP-CorV (2.35% ) and Covaxin (1.17%). The main dermatological manifestations observed were: herpes zoster (10.50%), ptiariasis rosea/ptiariasis rosea-like (9.41%), urticarial manifestations (9.41%), leukocytoclastic vasculitis (7.05%), rashes/ eczematous dermatitis (5.88%), perniosis/chilblains (3.52%), ptiariasis rubra (2.35%), vitiligo (2.35%) and neutrophilic rash (2.35%). At Pfizer, the most recurrent manifestations were urticarial manifestations (15.21%), eruptions/eczematous dermatitis (10.86%) and herpes zoster (8.69%). At Covishield – Oxford Astrazeneca, the manifestations were Herpes Zoster (23.52%) and Ptiariasis Rosea/Ptiariasis Rosea Like (17.64%). In Moderna, the manifestations were papules/chilblains (18.75%), vitiligo (12.50%) and neutrophilic rash (12.50%). Among the 85 patients, there was only 1 death. Final Considerations: Considering that COVID-19 is a nosological entity still under discovery, the study of manifestations related to vaccines remains essential for the prevention of undesirable outcomes.

  • Ana Emilia de Oliveira
  • Isabela Perusso Lepre
  • Maria Eduarda Ajita
  • Giovanna Sguissardi de Lima
  • Caroline Miyuki Gondo
  • Ana Clara Oliver Machado
  • Bárbara Ferreira Khouri
  • Francine Milenkovich Belinetti
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