Artigo - Atena Editora


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Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory process that still has no known etiology. Clinical manifestations are usually of an inflammatory, obstructive and fistulizing nature. The most frequent sites of involvement are the small and large intestines, however, in 50% of cases they affect the perineal region, stomach, esophagus and mouth. Associated or isolated extraintestinal manifestations are manifested in the skin, joints, eyes, and liver. It is worth remembering that these are directly proportional to the intensity of the intestinal inflammatory process. The diagnosis of the disease is made with a combination of clinical data analysis (anamnesis, physical examination and complementary tests). Regarding the biological symptoms, patients affected by the disease can also trigger emotional disturbances during its outcome, thus, the psychological impact presents a great transformation in the patient's own experience, leading him to suffer serious emotional damage when the chronicity of the disease is discovered. Crohn. The physical limitations produced by this disease associated with clinical symptoms, promote direct impacts on intersocial relationships, especially in the family, bringing with them feelings of fear and insecurity, resulting from the physical changes that in certain cases can be clearly visible.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159332303013

  • Palavras-chave: Crohn's disease, Crohn's disease and atypical form, Extraintestinal symptoms and Crohn's, Emotional disorders.

  • Keywords: Crohn's disease, Crohn's disease and atypical form, Extraintestinal symptoms and Crohn's, Emotional disorders.

  • Abstract:

    Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory process that still has no known etiology. Clinical manifestations are usually of an inflammatory, obstructive and fistulizing nature. The most frequent sites of involvement are the small and large intestines, however, in 50% of cases they affect the perineal region, stomach, esophagus and mouth. Associated or isolated extraintestinal manifestations are manifested in the skin, joints, eyes, and liver. It is worth remembering that these are directly proportional to the intensity of the intestinal inflammatory process. The diagnosis of the disease is made with a combination of clinical data analysis (anamnesis, physical examination and complementary tests). Regarding the biological symptoms, patients affected by the disease can also trigger emotional disturbances during its outcome, thus, the psychological impact presents a great transformation in the patient's own experience, leading him to suffer serious emotional damage when the chronicity of the disease is discovered. Crohn. The physical limitations produced by this disease associated with clinical symptoms, promote direct impacts on intersocial relationships, especially in the family, bringing with them feelings of fear and insecurity, resulting from the physical changes that in certain cases can be clearly visible.

  • Isadora Maciel Assis
  • Fábio Daniel Barbosa da Silva
  • Natlin Rafaelly Dias Buscariol
  • Pedro Henrique Amorim
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