Artigo - Atena Editora


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Goal: review the manifestations and pathophysiology of hepatic steatosis in the scientific literature, focusing on reporting therapeutic methods that can help in the management of this disease and thus try to prevent its progression into steatohepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods: the work was carried out through a bibliographic search in the main academic databases, such as PubMEd, ScienceDirect and Springer Journal; using the descriptors “NASH” and “NAFLD” and “Liver” and “therapy”. Results: Unhealthy lifestyle habits are directly related to the increasing incidence of NAFLD in the world population. In view of this, NAFLD, as a hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome, represents a public health problem that needs to be managed by a multidisciplinary health team. Therapy is carried out through changes in lifestyle, which may include surgical or drug treatment. Final considerations: Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis is considered a manifestation of metabolic syndrome and is an important cause of liver cirrhosis, generating several complications. Therefore, the ideal management of hepatic steatosis includes the treatment of the etiology and also the comorbidities associated with the disease, but further studies are still needed in search of definitive treatment that prevents the complex progression of the pathology.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Steatohepatitis; Hepatic steatosis; Metabolic syndrome; Therapy.

  • Keywords: Steatohepatitis; Hepatic steatosis; Metabolic syndrome; Therapy.

  • Abstract:

    Goal: review the manifestations and pathophysiology of hepatic steatosis in the scientific literature, focusing on reporting therapeutic methods that can help in the management of this disease and thus try to prevent its progression into steatohepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods: the work was carried out through a bibliographic search in the main academic databases, such as PubMEd, ScienceDirect and Springer Journal; using the descriptors “NASH” and “NAFLD” and “Liver” and “therapy”. Results: Unhealthy lifestyle habits are directly related to the increasing incidence of NAFLD in the world population. In view of this, NAFLD, as a hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome, represents a public health problem that needs to be managed by a multidisciplinary health team. Therapy is carried out through changes in lifestyle, which may include surgical or drug treatment. Final considerations: Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis is considered a manifestation of metabolic syndrome and is an important cause of liver cirrhosis, generating several complications. Therefore, the ideal management of hepatic steatosis includes the treatment of the etiology and also the comorbidities associated with the disease, but further studies are still needed in search of definitive treatment that prevents the complex progression of the pathology.

  • Júlia Smaniotto Ritt
  • Luísa Barbiero Dutra
  • Luiza Mezomo Cantarelli
  • Bruno Rafael Maboni Roth
  • Isadora Corrêa Provensi
  • Luiza Fenalte Streher
  • Michel Kovalski Batista
  • Méllany Abreu da Costa
  • Ana Carolina Risson
  • Bruno da Silva Riterbusche
  • Daniela Gomez da Costa
  • Eduardo Buzatti Souto
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