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Mothers in the Informal Economy: A Gender Analysis on Resilience and Challenges in a Rural Area of San Andrés Tlalnelhuayocan

This study explores the participation of mothers in the informal economy in rural contexts from a gender perspective. Through semi-structured interviews with five mothers, it was analyzed how they balance the demands of the home, child care and informal work. The results indicate that these women use informal work as a strategy for survival and economic improvement, despite the challenges and sacrifices that it entails. This study highlights the resilience of these women and the need for policies that recognize and support their contribution to the economy.

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Mothers in the Informal Economy: A Gender Analysis on Resilience and Challenges in a Rural Area of San Andrés Tlalnelhuayocan

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163162305077

  • Palavras-chave: informal economy, mothers, gender, rural areas, resilience.

  • Keywords: informal economy, mothers, gender, rural areas, resilience.

  • Abstract:

    This study explores the participation of mothers in the informal economy in rural contexts from a gender perspective. Through semi-structured interviews with five mothers, it was analyzed how they balance the demands of the home, child care and informal work. The results indicate that these women use informal work as a strategy for survival and economic improvement, despite the challenges and sacrifices that it entails. This study highlights the resilience of these women and the need for policies that recognize and support their contribution to the economy.

  • Tamara Morales Owseykoff
  • Eira López Fernández
  • Katya Guerra Vázquez
  • Jorge Antonio García Gálvez
  • Acosta Márquez María Pilar
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