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This article derives from an experience carried out in the classroom, in order to answer some questions relevant to the usefulness of mathematical knowledge. It brings a suggestion for the Introduction to Reflection on “What is Mathematics”, its applications, its logical structure, its functionality as a language. It starts with this questioning and ends with the exploration of a problem, evolving from a case of trial and error to a logical-combinational way of solving certain problem situations. In the analysis and elaboration of the solution, I approach both basic numerical/operational, as well as exploring concepts/characteristics of Simple Series, as is the case of Arithmetic Progressions, all without losing sight of the investigative characteristics that mathematics provides us, depending on how you approach it. As a contribution to this part, I work with some ideas on Mathematical Research in the Classroom, from Mathematics teachers: João Pedro da Ponte, Joana Brocardo and Hélia Oliveira. I also talk about: the Language Obstacle, the logical structure that a language must have, the symbolic completeness required to efficiently communicate an idea, the interpretation of facts in Problem Solving, the analysis of data and its properties and the generalization of the possible results. To do so, I will dialogue with the teachers: Júlio César de Melo e Sousa (Malba Tahan) and Luiz Carlos Pais, in addition to a quick conversation with the psychologist, anthropologist and sociologist Carlos Rodrigues Brandão about Education. I conclude, justifying algebra and the value of generalizations, with a very simple example: Mathemagic, to paraphrase Walt Disney.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582312205104

  • Palavras-chave: Education, Mathematics, Research, Logic, Possibilities.

  • Keywords: Education, Mathematics, Research, Logic, Possibilities.

  • Abstract:

    This article derives from an experience carried out in the classroom, in order to answer some questions relevant to the usefulness of mathematical knowledge. It brings a suggestion for the Introduction to Reflection on “What is Mathematics”, its applications, its logical structure, its functionality as a language. It starts with this questioning and ends with the exploration of a problem, evolving from a case of trial and error to a logical-combinational way of solving certain problem situations. In the analysis and elaboration of the solution, I approach both basic numerical/operational, as well as exploring concepts/characteristics of Simple Series, as is the case of Arithmetic Progressions, all without losing sight of the investigative characteristics that mathematics provides us, depending on how you approach it. As a contribution to this part, I work with some ideas on Mathematical Research in the Classroom, from Mathematics teachers: João Pedro da Ponte, Joana Brocardo and Hélia Oliveira. I also talk about: the Language Obstacle, the logical structure that a language must have, the symbolic completeness required to efficiently communicate an idea, the interpretation of facts in Problem Solving, the analysis of data and its properties and the generalization of the possible results. To do so, I will dialogue with the teachers: Júlio César de Melo e Sousa (Malba Tahan) and Luiz Carlos Pais, in addition to a quick conversation with the psychologist, anthropologist and sociologist Carlos Rodrigues Brandão about Education. I conclude, justifying algebra and the value of generalizations, with a very simple example: Mathemagic, to paraphrase Walt Disney.

  • Maxwell Gonçalves Araújo
  • Paulo Sebastião Ribeiro
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