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Liver serological analysis in children with Congenital Syphilis in a teaching maternity hospital in Northeast Brazil

INTRODUCTION: The present study aims to analyze the liver function in newborns with congenital syphilis of mothers who tested positive for syphilis during pregnancy in the year 2021/2022 at Maternity and Hospital Santa Isabel, in the state of Sergipe. METHODOLOGY: This is an epidemiological, observational, retrospective and analytical study of paper records from the congenital syphilis outpatient clinic of the maternity unit of the study. Data were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. Analyzing and comparing newborns from the criteria of diagnosis and treatment of cases of congenital syphilis of the Ministry of Health, maternal epidemiology, birth conditions of babies, physical examination, laboratory prioritizing liver serology. RESULTS: 113 children of mothers were analyzed. The evaluated age of these children was 0-23 months. According to the results obtained in the research, a predominance of young adult mothers, with a low level of education, without paid work, can be observed. In the first consultation, as well as in the second, of the outpatient follow-up, the children showed both increase and decrease in the requested laboratory parameters (red and white series, Na, total BT and fractions, TGO, TGP, FA, GT Gamma). Regarding the symptoms, 36.3% of the children had hepatomegaly greater than 3 cm and 39.8% had no symptoms. CONCLUSION: The research reveals the socioeconomic level of vertical transmission of syphilis. In the inferential statistics when comparing hepatomegaly with biochemical tests related to liver function, a positive association was found with a higher proportion of hepatomegaly > 3 cm and altered TGP.

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Liver serological analysis in children with Congenital Syphilis in a teaching maternity hospital in Northeast Brazil

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592332230063

  • Palavras-chave: congenital syphilitic hepatitis, congenital syphilis, maternity in the Northeast, liver disease.

  • Keywords: congenital syphilitic hepatitis, congenital syphilis, maternity in the Northeast, liver disease.

  • Abstract:

    INTRODUCTION: The present study aims to analyze the liver function in newborns with congenital syphilis of mothers who tested positive for syphilis during pregnancy in the year 2021/2022 at Maternity and Hospital Santa Isabel, in the state of Sergipe. METHODOLOGY: This is an epidemiological, observational, retrospective and analytical study of paper records from the congenital syphilis outpatient clinic of the maternity unit of the study. Data were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. Analyzing and comparing newborns from the criteria of diagnosis and treatment of cases of congenital syphilis of the Ministry of Health, maternal epidemiology, birth conditions of babies, physical examination, laboratory prioritizing liver serology. RESULTS: 113 children of mothers were analyzed. The evaluated age of these children was 0-23 months. According to the results obtained in the research, a predominance of young adult mothers, with a low level of education, without paid work, can be observed. In the first consultation, as well as in the second, of the outpatient follow-up, the children showed both increase and decrease in the requested laboratory parameters (red and white series, Na, total BT and fractions, TGO, TGP, FA, GT Gamma). Regarding the symptoms, 36.3% of the children had hepatomegaly greater than 3 cm and 39.8% had no symptoms. CONCLUSION: The research reveals the socioeconomic level of vertical transmission of syphilis. In the inferential statistics when comparing hepatomegaly with biochemical tests related to liver function, a positive association was found with a higher proportion of hepatomegaly > 3 cm and altered TGP.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Sonia Oliveira Lima
  • Francisco Prado Reis
  • José Francisco Sobral Neto
  • Guilherme Barreto Vasconcelos
  • Ana Juliana Pereira Franca Dantas
  • Izailza Matos Dantas Lopes
  • Amanda Monteiro Teixeira
  • Laura Delle Vedove Levita
  • Bruno José Santos Lima
  • Kaoanne Ribeiro Sales
  • Gabriel Guimarães Mitidieri
  • Fábio Batalha Carvalho Silveira
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