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Literature review on testosterone

Testosterone plays an essential role in human physiology. Inappropriate use of anabolic steroids has led to bans, however despite the bans the use of this medication has continued to grow with clandestine schedules. Despite the abuse of this hormone bringing several health hazards, its use can be beneficial in some conditions if there are even certain indications. Proper follow-up is crucial to maximizing the benefits of testosterone use and minimizing side effects for the patient.
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Literature review on testosterone

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.15939823281111

  • Palavras-chave: testosterone, testosterone replacement therapy and steroids.

  • Keywords: testosterone, testosterone replacement therapy and steroids.

  • Abstract: Testosterone plays an essential role in human physiology. Inappropriate use of anabolic steroids has led to bans, however despite the bans the use of this medication has continued to grow with clandestine schedules. Despite the abuse of this hormone bringing several health hazards, its use can be beneficial in some conditions if there are even certain indications. Proper follow-up is crucial to maximizing the benefits of testosterone use and minimizing side effects for the patient.

  • Marcos Filipe Chaparoni de Freitas Silva
  • Lucas Antônio Morais de Abreu
  • Mariana Conte Brenner
  • João Pedro Barros Patrocínio
  • Ruy Emílio Dornelles Dias
  • Edinéia Melo Hoffmann
  • Vitória de Souza Endres
  • Michelle Tozo Zahr
  • Julie Any Araujo Bif
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