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Comparative Literature: An analysis of "Quarto de Despejo" by Carolina Maria de Jesus

Comparative literature, a field of study dedicated to identifying connections between different literary works, offers a valuable perspective for analyzing "Quarto de Despejo" by Carolina Maria de Jesus. This article explores the importance of this work in the context of Brazilian literature, highlighting its ability to give a voice to the marginalized and to reveal realities neglected by society. Using a comprehensive methodology, we analyze Carolina's work in the light of comparative literature, identifying connections with other literary works that address similar themes of marginalization and social inequality. By establishing parallels between "Quarto de Despejo" and works such as "Angústia" by Graciliano Ramos and "Os Sertões" by Euclides da Cunha, we reveal how these narratives address the complex issues of inequality and social injustice in Brazilian society. Carolina Maria de Jesus challenges dominant narratives and, through her powerful and direct writing, provides an authentic look at the experiences of the marginalized in São Paulo's favelas in the 1950s. Through comparative literature, this article highlights the fundamental role of " Quarto de despejo" in expanding our understanding of the segregation issues that shape Brazilian society. Carolina Maria de Jesus continues to be an inspiring voice and her work is a testimony to the power of literature to bring about social change and give a voice to the subaltern, as discussed by theorists such as Homi K. Bhabha. "Quarto de Despejo" remains an important work in Brazilian literature, a resounding call for social justice and a reminder of the struggles and resilience of the marginalized.

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Comparative Literature: An analysis of "Quarto de Despejo" by Carolina Maria de Jesus

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Inequality; Comparative literature; Marginalization; Carolina Maria de Jesus.

  • Keywords: Inequality; Comparative literature; Marginalization; Carolina Maria de Jesus.

  • Abstract:

    Comparative literature, a field of study dedicated to identifying connections between different literary works, offers a valuable perspective for analyzing "Quarto de Despejo" by Carolina Maria de Jesus. This article explores the importance of this work in the context of Brazilian literature, highlighting its ability to give a voice to the marginalized and to reveal realities neglected by society. Using a comprehensive methodology, we analyze Carolina's work in the light of comparative literature, identifying connections with other literary works that address similar themes of marginalization and social inequality. By establishing parallels between "Quarto de Despejo" and works such as "Angústia" by Graciliano Ramos and "Os Sertões" by Euclides da Cunha, we reveal how these narratives address the complex issues of inequality and social injustice in Brazilian society. Carolina Maria de Jesus challenges dominant narratives and, through her powerful and direct writing, provides an authentic look at the experiences of the marginalized in São Paulo's favelas in the 1950s. Through comparative literature, this article highlights the fundamental role of " Quarto de despejo" in expanding our understanding of the segregation issues that shape Brazilian society. Carolina Maria de Jesus continues to be an inspiring voice and her work is a testimony to the power of literature to bring about social change and give a voice to the subaltern, as discussed by theorists such as Homi K. Bhabha. "Quarto de Despejo" remains an important work in Brazilian literature, a resounding call for social justice and a reminder of the struggles and resilience of the marginalized.

  • Roberta Mendonça Natário
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