Burkitt 's lymphoma, its rapid progression and the importance of early diagnosis: Case report
LCI, 37 years old, female, hypothyroid. On admission, he complained of severe low back pain for 1 month, associated with headache, facial paresthesia and metrorrhagia. In the blood count, microcytic and hypochromic anemia, normal RDW, 2 erythrocytes/100 cells, leukocytosis with a left shift, a gynecological examination showed a lesion. in the vaginal wall in which a biopsy was performed. Abdominal and skull CT scans, lumbosacral resonance without alterations. It evolves during hospitalization with worsening of symptoms, subfebrile condition and noted on physical examination palpable nodule in the left breast, and then performed breast ultrasound with 4C birrads result, and in a new blood count maintaining microcytic anemia hypochromic with confirmed thrombocytopenia. Performed then, investigation with peripheral smear showing left shift staggered to blasts (2%). Myelogram with monotenicity of the cells, blasts of medium size, with regular nuclear membrane, dense chromatin, with most of the cells presenting nucleolus. Small band of cytoplasm without granules, but cellular with numerous and tiny vacuoles. After the results, the patient was urgently referred to a center specializing in onco hematology, where new exams showed an expansive mass in the central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, new myelogram and breast nodule puncture with immunophenotyping and showing histology of cells in "starry sky", confirming the diagnosis of Burkitt Lymphoma.
Burkitt 's lymphoma, its rapid progression and the importance of early diagnosis: Case report
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592602211104
Palavras-chave: Lymphoma, Burkitt 's lymphoma, B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, highly aggressive
Keywords: Lymphoma, Burkitt 's lymphoma, B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, highly aggressive
LCI, 37 years old, female, hypothyroid. On admission, he complained of severe low back pain for 1 month, associated with headache, facial paresthesia and metrorrhagia. In the blood count, microcytic and hypochromic anemia, normal RDW, 2 erythrocytes/100 cells, leukocytosis with a left shift, a gynecological examination showed a lesion. in the vaginal wall in which a biopsy was performed. Abdominal and skull CT scans, lumbosacral resonance without alterations. It evolves during hospitalization with worsening of symptoms, subfebrile condition and noted on physical examination palpable nodule in the left breast, and then performed breast ultrasound with 4C birrads result, and in a new blood count maintaining microcytic anemia hypochromic with confirmed thrombocytopenia. Performed then, investigation with peripheral smear showing left shift staggered to blasts (2%). Myelogram with monotenicity of the cells, blasts of medium size, with regular nuclear membrane, dense chromatin, with most of the cells presenting nucleolus. Small band of cytoplasm without granules, but cellular with numerous and tiny vacuoles. After the results, the patient was urgently referred to a center specializing in onco hematology, where new exams showed an expansive mass in the central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, new myelogram and breast nodule puncture with immunophenotyping and showing histology of cells in "starry sky", confirming the diagnosis of Burkitt Lymphoma.
- Fernanda cristine zanotti
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