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Survey of micrographs of the cardiovascular system

Introduction: in view of the increasing use of information and communication technologies as a teaching-learning tool, the use of individual microscopes in histology classes has become obsolete due to the space required for storage and techniques for handling them. 

Thus, the digitized atlas emerged, aiming to contribute to the training of academics, since it allows a single micrograph to be discussed in a group, presents didactic subtitles, in addition to being available inside and outside the classroom. Objectives: Gather micrographs of the cardiovascular system and describe them individually, emphasizing their respective functions in homeostasis. Methods: registration of micrographs referring to the cardiovascular system from the slides provided by the School of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences of ``Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás``. Results: the recorded micrographs were properly described, with the support of a literature review of the cardiovascular system, reaching the proposed objective. Conclusion: academics are expected to enjoy this work, and that it is useful for their training.

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Survey of micrographs of the cardiovascular system

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593612317089

  • Palavras-chave: histology, digital atlas, cardiovascular system

  • Keywords: histology, digital atlas, cardiovascular system

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: in view of the increasing use of information and communication technologies as a teaching-learning tool, the use of individual microscopes in histology classes has become obsolete due to the space required for storage and techniques for handling them. 

    Thus, the digitized atlas emerged, aiming to contribute to the training of academics, since it allows a single micrograph to be discussed in a group, presents didactic subtitles, in addition to being available inside and outside the classroom. Objectives: Gather micrographs of the cardiovascular system and describe them individually, emphasizing their respective functions in homeostasis. Methods: registration of micrographs referring to the cardiovascular system from the slides provided by the School of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences of ``Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás``. Results: the recorded micrographs were properly described, with the support of a literature review of the cardiovascular system, reaching the proposed objective. Conclusion: academics are expected to enjoy this work, and that it is useful for their training.

  • Ana Beatriz Vieira Vilela
  • Julia Faustino Nishi
  • Júllia Santana Prudente de Angelis
  • Leandro Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos
  • Renata Cordeiro dos Santos Rodrigues
  • Weiler Ferreira Fonseca
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