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Non-academic reading as complementary training for medical students

The purpose of this research is to survey, by sampling, the reading of books that are not directly linked to the academic area, among six-year students of Medicine at São Leopoldo Mandic. The hypothesis defended, with the support of researchers in language and cognition, is that the transversal reading of non-fiction and fiction works enhances the academic capacity, creativity and empathy of higher education students, with positive results for the future professional and personal lives of these students. With the results obtained through questionnaires and interviews, and also by comparing this type of additional reading and the academic performance of the research subjects, the researcher will test the validity of her hypothesis which, if confirmed, could lead to the creation of of a reading club within the Medicine Course at São Leopoldo Mandic.

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Non-academic reading as complementary training for medical students

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593302320044

  • Palavras-chave: reading, academic performance, creativity, empathy.

  • Keywords: reading, academic performance, creativity, empathy.

  • Abstract:

    The purpose of this research is to survey, by sampling, the reading of books that are not directly linked to the academic area, among six-year students of Medicine at São Leopoldo Mandic. The hypothesis defended, with the support of researchers in language and cognition, is that the transversal reading of non-fiction and fiction works enhances the academic capacity, creativity and empathy of higher education students, with positive results for the future professional and personal lives of these students. With the results obtained through questionnaires and interviews, and also by comparing this type of additional reading and the academic performance of the research subjects, the researcher will test the validity of her hypothesis which, if confirmed, could lead to the creation of of a reading club within the Medicine Course at São Leopoldo Mandic.

  • Sabrina Martins Leite
  • Antônio Suárez Abreu
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