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capa do ebook LEGACY OF VIOLENCE  the situation of perpetrators of intimate partner violence

LEGACY OF VIOLENCE the situation of perpetrators of intimate partner violence

Researching for more than twenty years on the subject of violence against women, my gaze sharpened, my understanding sharpened. My position has changed to take a broad view of domestic violence as it is called in Latin America and marital violence as we approach it in France.


After caring for women in situations of violence, adolescents, I accompanied men, perpetrators of violence. Working with men is a big step and a determining factor in the fight against recidivism. I understood that it was necessary to work with all age groups, genders, ethnic and racial groups. Because society is a producer and reproducer of violence. Because we raise our sons and daughters in a traditional way that does not allow change; that does not allow respect, equity, freedom to be who we are.

We build shelters, we send men to jail. How many children are orphaned when their mother is killed? What happens to these children?

Did we solve the problem?

Then it became clear to change the paradigm, stop "fighting against" to propose another way to transform relationships and violence. defend something In this case, we defend education for peace, which implies education for citizenship, the responsibility of each one as a citizen. Spousal violence is a public health problem and a problem for each and every one of us.

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LEGACY OF VIOLENCE the situation of perpetrators of intimate partner violence

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582142231052

  • Palavras-chave: society, gender relations

  • Keywords: society, gender relations

  • Abstract:

    Researching for more than twenty years on the subject of violence against women, my gaze sharpened, my understanding sharpened. My position has changed to take a broad view of domestic violence as it is called in Latin America and marital violence as we approach it in France.


    After caring for women in situations of violence, adolescents, I accompanied men, perpetrators of violence. Working with men is a big step and a determining factor in the fight against recidivism. I understood that it was necessary to work with all age groups, genders, ethnic and racial groups. Because society is a producer and reproducer of violence. Because we raise our sons and daughters in a traditional way that does not allow change; that does not allow respect, equity, freedom to be who we are.

    We build shelters, we send men to jail. How many children are orphaned when their mother is killed? What happens to these children?

    Did we solve the problem?

    Then it became clear to change the paradigm, stop "fighting against" to propose another way to transform relationships and violence. defend something In this case, we defend education for peace, which implies education for citizenship, the responsibility of each one as a citizen. Spousal violence is a public health problem and a problem for each and every one of us.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Véronique Durand
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