Artigo - Atena Editora


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This article aims to analyze whether university students living in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz; They are aware of the content that they upload to their social networks, mainly the photographs and images that they post on their Facebook account, which are building their digital identity. It is an investigation that was based on the monitoring of the social network Facebook that allowed the analysis of the content of the publications made in a period of time within the profiles of a sector of selected young people, which allowed to identify, how aware they are of the problematic represented by the photographs that are shared on the net indiscriminately and that form their digital identity.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163152304072

  • Palavras-chave: Digital identity, digital photography, new technologies, social networks

  • Keywords: Digital identity, digital photography, new technologies, social networks

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to analyze whether university students living in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz; They are aware of the content that they upload to their social networks, mainly the photographs and images that they post on their Facebook account, which are building their digital identity. It is an investigation that was based on the monitoring of the social network Facebook that allowed the analysis of the content of the publications made in a period of time within the profiles of a sector of selected young people, which allowed to identify, how aware they are of the problematic represented by the photographs that are shared on the net indiscriminately and that form their digital identity.

  • María del Pilar Anaya Avila
  • Rossy Lorena Laurencio Meza
  • Luz Adriana Pérez Maldonado
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