Las comunidades de aprendizaje, ¿un eslabón en la educación para la vida?
Las comunidades de aprendizaje, ¿un eslabón en la educación para la vida?
Palavras-chave: Comunidades de aprendizaje; Estrategias científicas; Educación para la vida; Construcción de conocimiento; Docentes; Procesos de enseñanza; Aprendizaje; Evaluación
Keywords: Learning communities; scientific strategies; education for life; construction of knowledge; teachers; teaching processes; learning; evaluation
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to state learning communities and their implementation as a knowledge construction mechanism that encourages teachers at any educational level to take advantage of their knowledge and share experiences emanating from the teaching-learning-evaluation processes, for a scientific task that promotes the generation and systematization of new knowledge that facilitates structuring unprecedented models of social well-being based on education for life.
- Gerardo Sánchez Ambriz
- Adriana Yáñez Hernández
- Pedro Guzmán Tinajero
- Leticia Sánchez Ambriz
- Rocío Fanny Cruz Thirión