Artigo - Atena Editora


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What are the main problems that arise for the communities that provide aqueduct services in rural areas of the communal province, in relation to the development of their organizational capacities oriented towards their formalization and adjustment to the current regulatory parameters? General objective is to determine the problems that arise for communities providing water supply services in rural areas, regarding the development of their organizational capacities oriented towards formalization and adjustment of processes to current regulatory parameters. Methodology The project develops a mixed methodological approach to the extent that it articulates and combines approaches and tools of a qualitative and quantitative nature, given the interdisciplinary nature of the problem under investigation, its study requires a systematic approach to the regulations on the subject. ; going through the technical-environmental details on the water quality conditions and the sociological-legal approach to the context of application of the regulation; to a pedagogical approach that contributes to strengthening the sense of belonging and the organizational capacities of the providing communities. Results: Process of social appropriation of knowledge to strengthen or solve issues of social interest FIS. Conclusion: the Colombian government has issued a series of regulations and made some institutional adjustments while waiting to be able to deploy a new public policy in the national territory. Decree 1898 of 2016 in particular defines the differential schemes for providing water, sewage and sanitation services for rural areas, according to their particular conditions. For the operationalization and implementation of this regulatory framework, the “Water to the countryside” program was presented in 2019 and in 2021 the National Plan for the supply of drinking water and basic rural sanitation.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163252313099

  • Palavras-chave: Differential schemes, Legitimate, Social organizations, Providers, Public service

  • Keywords: Differential schemes, Legitimate, Social organizations, Providers, Public service

  • Abstract:

    What are the main problems that arise for the communities that provide aqueduct services in rural areas of the communal province, in relation to the development of their organizational capacities oriented towards their formalization and adjustment to the current regulatory parameters? General objective is to determine the problems that arise for communities providing water supply services in rural areas, regarding the development of their organizational capacities oriented towards formalization and adjustment of processes to current regulatory parameters. Methodology The project develops a mixed methodological approach to the extent that it articulates and combines approaches and tools of a qualitative and quantitative nature, given the interdisciplinary nature of the problem under investigation, its study requires a systematic approach to the regulations on the subject. ; going through the technical-environmental details on the water quality conditions and the sociological-legal approach to the context of application of the regulation; to a pedagogical approach that contributes to strengthening the sense of belonging and the organizational capacities of the providing communities. Results: Process of social appropriation of knowledge to strengthen or solve issues of social interest FIS. Conclusion: the Colombian government has issued a series of regulations and made some institutional adjustments while waiting to be able to deploy a new public policy in the national territory. Decree 1898 of 2016 in particular defines the differential schemes for providing water, sewage and sanitation services for rural areas, according to their particular conditions. For the operationalization and implementation of this regulatory framework, the “Water to the countryside” program was presented in 2019 and in 2021 the National Plan for the supply of drinking water and basic rural sanitation.

  • Amanda Parra Cárdenas
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