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El texto analiza la competencia global por el talento especializado y las estrategias que han implementado países como EE. UU., China y la Unión Europea para atraer, generar y retener dicho talento. Estados Unidos ha introducido políticas como la Ley CHIPS y la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura, mientras que China avanza con su plan Hecho en China 2025. México, aunque muestra crecimiento en el sector tecnológico, carece de una estrategia integral para generar talento altamente especializado. Para mejorar su competitividad, el país debe fomentar clústeres industriales y académicos, e invertir en educación y capacitación técnica en áreas clave como software, inteligencia artificial y energías renovables. El estudio destaca la importancia de atraer tanto talento local como internacional, incluyendo migrantes altamente cualificados. Finalmente, sugiere que México debe fortalecer su infraestructura educativa, promover la colaboración entre industria y academia, y aprovechar la movilidad internacional de talento para competir eficazmente en el escenario global.
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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Educación, innovación, ingeniería, talento, relocalización.

  • Keywords: Education, innovation, engineering, talent, nearshoring.

  • Abstract:

    In an increasingly competitive global context, the search for and retention of specialized talent has become a priority for nations seeking to maintain their technological and economic leadership. This study analyzes the international strategies employed by countries such as the United States of America (USA), China, the European Union and other technology leaders, as well as the lessons that Mexico can learn from these practices to improve its position in the global race for talent. The analysis shows that the US and China have implemented aggressive policies for their industrialization, which involves generating, attracting and retaining talent. In particular, the US has launched initiatives such as the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, while China has focused its efforts on the Made in China 2025 plan to reduce foreign technological dependence. In comparison, Mexico faces significant challenges in terms of talent development and retention. Although the country shows growth in the technology sector, with a notable increase in the number of jobs in cities such as Mexico City and Monterrey, a comprehensive strategy to generate highly specialized talent is lacking. The creation of industrial and academic clusters, as well as investment in education and technical training in areas such as software, artificial intelligence, electromobility and clean and renewable energy sources, are essential to improve Mexico's competitiveness. This study also examines international talent mobility, highlighting the importance of attracting not only local professionals but also highly skilled migrants from countries with political or economic problems. The comparison of different countries' policies and their impact on talent retention and attraction provides a framework for Mexico to develop more effective strategies tailored to its specific needs. In conclusion, for Mexico to compete effectively in the global race for specialized talent, it is crucial that it implements policies that strengthen its educational infrastructure, promote collaboration between industry and academia, and take advantage of the opportunities offered by international talent mobility.

  • Nicolas Domínguez Vergara
  • Miguel Ángel Abreu Hernández
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