Artigo - Atena Editora


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Jorge Martins: his introjection with the projection of his drawings

An apodictic analysis of Jorge Martins' drawings is presented here. We infer that they are representations of the clues of the unconscious. In turn, its projection, subliminally related to the conscious, seems to stimulate the need for expression when it feels that, in an introjection, it can better understand its (un)conscious. We suggest, then, that Jorge Martins explores this interrelationship “I (unconscious) – representation-of-I (conscious)” when drawing becomes the objective interface that leads to the subjective I-I reconciliation.

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Jorge Martins: his introjection with the projection of his drawings

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9293223100210

  • Palavras-chave: drawing, introjection, projection, subjectivation, desubjectivation.

  • Keywords: drawing, introjection, projection, subjectivation, desubjectivation.

  • Abstract:

    An apodictic analysis of Jorge Martins' drawings is presented here. We infer that they are representations of the clues of the unconscious. In turn, its projection, subliminally related to the conscious, seems to stimulate the need for expression when it feels that, in an introjection, it can better understand its (un)conscious. We suggest, then, that Jorge Martins explores this interrelationship “I (unconscious) – representation-of-I (conscious)” when drawing becomes the objective interface that leads to the subjective I-I reconciliation.

  • Luís Filipe Rodrigues
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