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Absolute isolation: educational instrument in dentistry

The rubber dam (absolute isolation) has benefits with regard to infection control, patient protection and treatment efficacy. The objective of this work is to evaluate the attitude of dental students, general practitioners and specialists in Endodontics, in relation to the use of the rubber dam. A qualitative and quantitative research, of an exploratory and applied nature, was carried out, with the application of a questionnaire via Google Forms in order to collect data on the use of absolute isolation in restorative and root canal treatments. Students and professors of the Dentistry course at Centro Universitário Vale do Rio Verde and dentists in general were included in the sample. The results had a variation according to the level of performance, with Endodontists being the most adept at using the rubber dam. It is concluded that successful dental treatment depends on effective infection control measures and this can be achieved by isolating the operating field with a well-fitting rubber dam.

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Absolute isolation: educational instrument in dentistry

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159332303012

  • Palavras-chave: absolute isolation; Contamination; education; dentistry; endodontics

  • Keywords: absolute isolation; Contamination; education; dentistry; endodontics

  • Abstract:

    The rubber dam (absolute isolation) has benefits with regard to infection control, patient protection and treatment efficacy. The objective of this work is to evaluate the attitude of dental students, general practitioners and specialists in Endodontics, in relation to the use of the rubber dam. A qualitative and quantitative research, of an exploratory and applied nature, was carried out, with the application of a questionnaire via Google Forms in order to collect data on the use of absolute isolation in restorative and root canal treatments. Students and professors of the Dentistry course at Centro Universitário Vale do Rio Verde and dentists in general were included in the sample. The results had a variation according to the level of performance, with Endodontists being the most adept at using the rubber dam. It is concluded that successful dental treatment depends on effective infection control measures and this can be achieved by isolating the operating field with a well-fitting rubber dam.

  • Rúbia Moura Leite Boczar
  • Rubia M.L. Boczar
  • Letícia Morais Porto
  • Simone Catarina Silva Archanjo
  • Joelma Pereira de Faria Nogueira
  • José Dias da Silva Neto
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