Artigo - Atena Editora


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Oxygen restriction in the intrauterine phase is called fetal hypoxia, which can trigger several complications, such as growth retardation, seizures, paralysis and damage to various organs. Asphyxia at birth is the fourth leading cause of perinatal death in Brazil and intrauterine hypoxia corresponds to 63.36% of deaths at birth. The presence of maternal fever is a risk factor that sensitizes the fetus to this situation. This work aims to catalog the studies on fetal hypoxia that are available with their full texts free of charge to the public. This is a quantitative study on the topic ''fetal hypoxia'', using inclusion and exclusion criteria pre-established by the authors. With the application of the keywords, 192 studies can be found in the PC database and 35 in the VHL, with this number reduced to 5 and 4, respectively. In addition, the work demonstrates the need for fetal monitoring to mitigate future health complications.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.15921122200210

  • Palavras-chave: Fetal hypoxia; oxygen deficiency; fetal growth retardation. 

  • Keywords: Fetal hypoxia; oxygen deficiency; fetal growth retardation. 

  • Abstract:

    Oxygen restriction in the intrauterine phase is called fetal hypoxia, which can trigger several complications, such as growth retardation, seizures, paralysis and damage to various organs. Asphyxia at birth is the fourth leading cause of perinatal death in Brazil and intrauterine hypoxia corresponds to 63.36% of deaths at birth. The presence of maternal fever is a risk factor that sensitizes the fetus to this situation. This work aims to catalog the studies on fetal hypoxia that are available with their full texts free of charge to the public. This is a quantitative study on the topic ''fetal hypoxia'', using inclusion and exclusion criteria pre-established by the authors. With the application of the keywords, 192 studies can be found in the PC database and 35 in the VHL, with this number reduced to 5 and 4, respectively. In addition, the work demonstrates the need for fetal monitoring to mitigate future health complications.

  • Número de páginas: 6

  • Maria Lohane Castilho de Almeida
  • Francimar Neto de Almeida Lopes
  • João Guilherme Teles de Carvalho
  • Khilver Doanne Sousa Soares
  • Alana Glecia de Jesus Lopes Silva
  • Thaísa Dutra de Oliveira
  • João Paulo Dias Nogueira
  • Adelardo Rhian Oliveira dos Santos Silva
  • Kecyani Lima dos Reis
  • Carlito dias da Silva
  • Ruylson dos Santos Oliveira
  • Danielle Freire Goncalves
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