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Interprofessional actions: A perspective for creating virtual production with anatomy videos


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Interprofessional actions: A perspective for creating virtual production with anatomy videos

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593612317082

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Teaching, vídeos, anatomy, learning

  • Abstract:

    The traditional system of teaching anatomy in medical schools, based on the master class and the practice of dissection, has for several years been in a crisis that can be explained by various causes: the reduction in the number of hours dedicated to this subject, the appearance of new subjects to incorporate into the study plan, the decrease in budget or the difficulty of finding corpses for dissection. This has proliferated in recent years new teaching methods that complement these deficiencies: computer software, online programs, websites dedicated to anatomy, image libraries, plastic models, video-based conferences, institutional websites, and even networks social. Specifically, the use of video has been well received in anatomical teaching because it allows the preparation of practices, reduces anxiety about the corpse, allows students to comment and participate in videos, does not excessively increase the teaching load of Students have unlimited access outside of class and allow students to review content after the lesson. We plan to record, produce and distribute videos of the anatomy teachers in support of the theoretical classes and dissection at our University. A series of short videos, about 3 minutes, with adequate lighting, sound and plastic anatomical models will be made on various subjects. At the end of the course, we will assess whether there have been differences in the final exam between the questions for which a video has been prepared and those that have not. If the experience is successful, it will continue with the production of more videos to consolidate a library within the reach of the students that will serve to increase their knowledge due to the reduction of teaching hours.

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