Artigo - Atena Editora


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 In a mediatized era, where much of the information is accessed remotely, how can the experience of a place be understood? Tools such as Google Earth, Instagram or TripAdvisor, allow, besides the image and the physical description, the personal account of who was objectively in the space. Thus, is it possible to (co)construct a true experience of a place from a distance access? In the context of Phenomenology, focused on the understanding of experience, how is this event characterized and what role could it have for Art? It is intended to analyze how all phenomenological knowledge is constituted by learning based on direct contact and by the fictional or symbolic addition of elements, consisting as an event formed by real data and other artificial ones in an interdependent way. It is presented how the artificial data of experience, resulting from intermediation processes, participate objectively in the expansion of current concepts of landscape, proposing the terminology of Intermediated-Land-Art to refer to the artistic practice that thinks the landscape, objectively, from intermediation processes, highlighting particularly the examples that use digital platforms.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929332330037

  • Palavras-chave: Intermediate experience; Remote access to the territory; Contemporary landscape; Physical and Virtual; Intermediated-Land-Art

  • Keywords: Intermediate experience; Remote access to the territory; Contemporary landscape; Physical and Virtual; Intermediated-Land-Art

  • Abstract:

     In a mediatized era, where much of the information is accessed remotely, how can the experience of a place be understood? Tools such as Google Earth, Instagram or TripAdvisor, allow, besides the image and the physical description, the personal account of who was objectively in the space. Thus, is it possible to (co)construct a true experience of a place from a distance access? In the context of Phenomenology, focused on the understanding of experience, how is this event characterized and what role could it have for Art? It is intended to analyze how all phenomenological knowledge is constituted by learning based on direct contact and by the fictional or symbolic addition of elements, consisting as an event formed by real data and other artificial ones in an interdependent way. It is presented how the artificial data of experience, resulting from intermediation processes, participate objectively in the expansion of current concepts of landscape, proposing the terminology of Intermediated-Land-Art to refer to the artistic practice that thinks the landscape, objectively, from intermediation processes, highlighting particularly the examples that use digital platforms.

  • Domingos Loureiro
  • Nuno Ferreira
  • Catarina Lira Pereira
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