Artigo - Atena Editora


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This project developed a qualitative, theoretical and bibliographic research whose results are related to introductory concepts of Artificial Intelligence. It was considered a case study of the application of AI to promote optimizations in the face of COVID-19. This case was used in order to investigate the benefits that AI can bring to disease prevention. The data for the study were extracted from the internet, from scientific articles, theses, dissertations and books. Three moments were necessary to guarantee a structured research, the first being the dedication to the study of introductory concepts of AI and Research Methodology, in order to define their relevance for the project. The second moment turned to a study focused on the applications of AI in Biomedical Engineering in general. For the third moment, two articles were used as the basis for a case analysis of the application of AI in the control of epidemiological outbreaks. The knowledge acquired throughout the research, the non-relevant themes, the current situation of AI in disease prevention and the importance of the study for the advancement in the area of Health were highlighted.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173292324087

  • Palavras-chave: Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering, Health, COVID-19.

  • Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering, Health, COVID-19.

  • Abstract:

    This project developed a qualitative, theoretical and bibliographic research whose results are related to introductory concepts of Artificial Intelligence. It was considered a case study of the application of AI to promote optimizations in the face of COVID-19. This case was used in order to investigate the benefits that AI can bring to disease prevention. The data for the study were extracted from the internet, from scientific articles, theses, dissertations and books. Three moments were necessary to guarantee a structured research, the first being the dedication to the study of introductory concepts of AI and Research Methodology, in order to define their relevance for the project. The second moment turned to a study focused on the applications of AI in Biomedical Engineering in general. For the third moment, two articles were used as the basis for a case analysis of the application of AI in the control of epidemiological outbreaks. The knowledge acquired throughout the research, the non-relevant themes, the current situation of AI in disease prevention and the importance of the study for the advancement in the area of Health were highlighted.

  • Fernanda Sevestre Canton
  • Sonia Barbosa Camargo Igliori
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