Artigo - Atena Editora


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Integrating Technology and Creativity from Media Planning to Return on investment

  This article explores several facets of the advertising industry, including the roles of professionals in advertising agencies and media outlets, processes involved in marketing advertising space, and the effectiveness of different types of touchpoints in interacting with consumers. Additionally, the distinction between media planning and advertising planning is analyzed, highlighting the importance of creativity in the mix of media supports and alternatives for innovation.
A special focus is given to the digital advertising and programmatic media ecosystem, revealing how automation and efficient use of Big Data and Advertising Analytics are reshaping marketing strategies. Performance metrics such as KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and ROI (Return on Investment) are discussed to highlight methods of evaluating and optimizing advertising campaigns. The article also presents a detailed model of media planning, execution and reporting for an Alzheimer's campaign, demonstrating how the theories and practices discussed can be practically and effectively applied to public health campaigns. Through detailed analysis and case studies, the article offers valuable insights into the evolution of advertising and how organizations can adapt to make the most of new tools and platforms available, ensuring messages reach target audiences more efficiently.

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Integrating Technology and Creativity from Media Planning to Return on investment

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Digital Advertising, Programmatic Media, Media Planning, Big Data, KPI, Return on investment, Commercialization of Advertising Spaces, Points of Contact, Media Creativity.

  • Keywords: Digital Advertising, Programmatic Media, Media Planning, Big Data, KPI, Return on investment, Commercialization of Advertising Spaces, Points of Contact, Media Creativity.

  • Abstract:

      This article explores several facets of the advertising industry, including the roles of professionals in advertising agencies and media outlets, processes involved in marketing advertising space, and the effectiveness of different types of touchpoints in interacting with consumers. Additionally, the distinction between media planning and advertising planning is analyzed, highlighting the importance of creativity in the mix of media supports and alternatives for innovation.
    A special focus is given to the digital advertising and programmatic media ecosystem, revealing how automation and efficient use of Big Data and Advertising Analytics are reshaping marketing strategies. Performance metrics such as KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and ROI (Return on Investment) are discussed to highlight methods of evaluating and optimizing advertising campaigns. The article also presents a detailed model of media planning, execution and reporting for an Alzheimer's campaign, demonstrating how the theories and practices discussed can be practically and effectively applied to public health campaigns. Through detailed analysis and case studies, the article offers valuable insights into the evolution of advertising and how organizations can adapt to make the most of new tools and platforms available, ensuring messages reach target audiences more efficiently.

  • Roberta Brandalise
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