Social Innovation in Sustainable Tourism Projects: A Community-Based Methodology
Social Innovation in Sustainable Tourism Projects: A Community-Based Methodology
Palavras-chave: Innovación social, turismo sustentable, ecoturismo, acercamiento metodológico, innovación social centrada en la comunidad.
Keywords: Social innovation, sustainable tourism, Ecotourism, methodological approach, community-centered social innovation.
The purpose of this research is to develop a methodological process for sustainable tourism projects through community-based social innovation and community analysis of comparable experiences. It is proposed to reflect on the socio-political processes of transformation with the community and at the same time promote sustainable practices aimed at community appropriation of the project. The methodological process seeks to combine social innovation and sovereign development, considering evolutionary ecotourism models and Elinor Ostrom's theory of collective action. Although social innovation is key, it is recognized that it does not ensure sustainability in contexts of poverty. The proposal supports the Sustainable Development Goals by strengthening resilient communities.
- Martha Leticia Silva Flores
- David Vargas Del Río