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The present text presents the results of a research carried out in the Stricto sensu Postgraduate course - Doctorate in Education entitled About teacher perceptions about the evaluation of learning and the Prova Brasil, in classes of the 5th year of Elementary School of the Municipal Education Network of Uberlândia -MG, and which had funding from CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) in the first three years of the course. We had the collaboration of a Scientific Initiation student of the Degree in Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of Uberlândia, for a year supported by FAPEMIG (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais). We present the results of interviews carried out with teachers from the Municipal Education Network of Uberlândia-MG. This study seeks to identify whether and in what way the participating teachers felt prepared or not to evaluate the learning of their classes from their initial training, and their perceptions about possible contributions and/or deficits of their initial training to proceed with processes evaluations in their teaching profession. We carried out exploratory research and contemplated a qualitative approach. There was intense participation of teachers who influenced, with their subjectivity, the construction of data, which took place through both interviews and the application of a questionnaire, and all instruments were used in the school unit, at a time when the teachers were in the period of activity outside the classroom. Visits to school units took place from August to October 2016. Ten schools and seventeen teachers participated in the research. It is evident that there is a failure in the courses that train teachers/es, with regard to evaluating their classes. Given the importance and decision-making power given to assessments, one must then, at the very least, ensure that students in teacher training courses were able to carry out assessments with the groups under their responsibility.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582102214044

  • Palavras-chave: Learning assessment; Teacher training; Teacher perceptions.

  • Keywords: Learning assessment; Teacher training; Teacher perceptions.

  • Abstract:

    The present text presents the results of a research carried out in the Stricto sensu Postgraduate course - Doctorate in Education entitled About teacher perceptions about the evaluation of learning and the Prova Brasil, in classes of the 5th year of Elementary School of the Municipal Education Network of Uberlândia -MG, and which had funding from CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) in the first three years of the course. We had the collaboration of a Scientific Initiation student of the Degree in Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of Uberlândia, for a year supported by FAPEMIG (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais). We present the results of interviews carried out with teachers from the Municipal Education Network of Uberlândia-MG. This study seeks to identify whether and in what way the participating teachers felt prepared or not to evaluate the learning of their classes from their initial training, and their perceptions about possible contributions and/or deficits of their initial training to proceed with processes evaluations in their teaching profession. We carried out exploratory research and contemplated a qualitative approach. There was intense participation of teachers who influenced, with their subjectivity, the construction of data, which took place through both interviews and the application of a questionnaire, and all instruments were used in the school unit, at a time when the teachers were in the period of activity outside the classroom. Visits to school units took place from August to October 2016. Ten schools and seventeen teachers participated in the research. It is evident that there is a failure in the courses that train teachers/es, with regard to evaluating their classes. Given the importance and decision-making power given to assessments, one must then, at the very least, ensure that students in teacher training courses were able to carry out assessments with the groups under their responsibility.

  • Número de páginas: 12

  • Olenir Maria Mendes
  • Cecília de Camargo Bento
  • Simone Freitas Pereira Costa
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