Artigo - Atena Editora


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the adaptation of prosthetic components to dental implants subjected to masticatory fatigue simulation. The evaluation was performed using implants and prosthetic components from the same brand and also mixing implants and prosthetic components from different brands. Twenty-one external hexagon implants from the Neodent® brand and 21 titanium UCLA-type prosthetic components from three different brands were used: Neodent®, Conectao® and Titanium Fix ®. Group 1) 7 Neodent® and 7 UCLAS Neodent® Implants; Group 2) 7 Neodent® and 7 UCLAS Conecta® implants; Group 3) 7 Neodent® and 7 UCLAS Titanium Fix® implants. The groups were submitted to the fatigue test. Each implant received a single component, which was attached to the implant by means of a titanium screw, using a torque of 20 N, with a manual torquemeter. Each implant/component set received 4 random markings around the circumference The results obtained were analyzed using the ANOVA test, adopting (p<0.05) In the readings of the specimens, in an optical microscope with magnification x160/scale 50µm, multiple comparison tests demonstrated that the CONEXÃO group had significantly greater measurements in the gaps than the other groups (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.0156 respectively in comparisons with the NEODENT and TITANIUMFIX groups). The NEODENT and TITANIUMFIX groups did not differ significantly (p = 0.0720). No statistically significant difference was found between the groups regarding the measurements of the readings of the specimens in a scanning electron microscope with magnification x200/scale 500µm (p = 0.0952). It is concluded that there is compatibility between the components of the three different brands with the Neodent® implants.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593242331038

  • Palavras-chave: Dental Implants, Dental Abutments, Dental Materials.

  • Keywords: Dental Implants, Dental Abutments, Dental Materials.

  • Abstract:

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the adaptation of prosthetic components to dental implants subjected to masticatory fatigue simulation. The evaluation was performed using implants and prosthetic components from the same brand and also mixing implants and prosthetic components from different brands. Twenty-one external hexagon implants from the Neodent® brand and 21 titanium UCLA-type prosthetic components from three different brands were used: Neodent®, Conectao® and Titanium Fix ®. Group 1) 7 Neodent® and 7 UCLAS Neodent® Implants; Group 2) 7 Neodent® and 7 UCLAS Conecta® implants; Group 3) 7 Neodent® and 7 UCLAS Titanium Fix® implants. The groups were submitted to the fatigue test. Each implant received a single component, which was attached to the implant by means of a titanium screw, using a torque of 20 N, with a manual torquemeter. Each implant/component set received 4 random markings around the circumference The results obtained were analyzed using the ANOVA test, adopting (p<0.05) In the readings of the specimens, in an optical microscope with magnification x160/scale 50µm, multiple comparison tests demonstrated that the CONEXÃO group had significantly greater measurements in the gaps than the other groups (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.0156 respectively in comparisons with the NEODENT and TITANIUMFIX groups). The NEODENT and TITANIUMFIX groups did not differ significantly (p = 0.0720). No statistically significant difference was found between the groups regarding the measurements of the readings of the specimens in a scanning electron microscope with magnification x200/scale 500µm (p = 0.0952). It is concluded that there is compatibility between the components of the three different brands with the Neodent® implants.

  • Jefferson David Melo de Matos
  • Jefferson Matos
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