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Influence of thyroid ultrasound performed by the surgeon on the conduct of patients with thyroid disease in Brazil


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Influence of thyroid ultrasound performed by the surgeon on the conduct of patients with thyroid disease in Brazil

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592502229083

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: thyroid, thyroid gland disease, thyroid gland nodule, thyroid gland neoplasm, thyroidectomy, ultrasonography, excision of lymph node

  • Abstract:

    Objective: to evaluate the impact of cervical ultrasound performed by the surgeon in comparison with the pre-visit examination in the treatment of patients with thyroid disease in a country where such examinations are performed and interpreted only by physicians. Methods: we selected patients with thyroid disease referred for surgery from December 2015 to July 2017. We compared their ultrasound examinations with the exam performed by the surgeon, and we expressed the change in surgical planning as a percentage. Results: we evaluated 71 patients. In 25 (35.2%), the exam performed by the surgeon did not agree with the pre-consultation examination, and in 17 (23.9%) this difference resulted in a modification of the surgical planning. Only 37 (52.1%) pre-consultation examinations described the characteristics of the lateral lymph nodes, allowing correct staging. Among all patients, about half had undergone the examination more than 6 months prior. Among the 25 patients with non-concordant tests, 48% had an examination carried out more than 6 months before. Among the 46 patients with concordant tests, 50% had an examination done within 6 months. Of the 17 patients who presented a modification in the surgical planning, 10 (58.8%) had undergone the exam more than 6 months before surgery. Discussion: This study confirms the benefit of the ultrasound performed by the surgeon, even in Brazil, where such exams are always performed by physicians. The absence of lymph nodes investigation prevents proper staging and planning. The exam date does not appear to be a major factor in the non-agreement of the exams.

  • Número de páginas: 12

  • rafael massao da silva nagato
  • Pedro Eder Portari Filho
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