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Index of Social Vulnerability due to Flood

Floods are a problem that is aggravated by the levels of existing social vulnerability, by creating an environment of risk when they affect the human being, by causing loss of life or damage to the built and natural environment to which man has access and from which he obtains some benefit. To determine social vulnerability, we start from the characteristics and living conditions of the people, estimated in the Marginalization Index by electoral section 2010, and their proximity to the development of the floods registered in the flooding polygons of the Water Commission of the State of Mexico from 2000-2010; by making use of statistical tools and geographic information systems, social vulnerability due to floods can be more accurately determined; For the development of this research, the State of Mexico is taken as a case study, in which the result shows that 42.96% of the electoral sections were affected by floods, and 47.36% of the population for the year 2010.  The general conclusion of this work shows that, the simplification of the analysis of vulnerability by product of the overlap of flood zones and the degree of marginalization, allow to estimate accurately and with high reliability the most vulnerable areas, which would be given priority in the taking of actions dedicated to the reduction and prevention of the existing and future situation of vulnerability.

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Index of Social Vulnerability due to Flood

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973292227073

  • Palavras-chave: Risk, vulnerability, floods, disasters, marginalization index

  • Keywords: Risk, vulnerability, floods, disasters, marginalization index

  • Abstract:

    Floods are a problem that is aggravated by the levels of existing social vulnerability, by creating an environment of risk when they affect the human being, by causing loss of life or damage to the built and natural environment to which man has access and from which he obtains some benefit. To determine social vulnerability, we start from the characteristics and living conditions of the people, estimated in the Marginalization Index by electoral section 2010, and their proximity to the development of the floods registered in the flooding polygons of the Water Commission of the State of Mexico from 2000-2010; by making use of statistical tools and geographic information systems, social vulnerability due to floods can be more accurately determined; For the development of this research, the State of Mexico is taken as a case study, in which the result shows that 42.96% of the electoral sections were affected by floods, and 47.36% of the population for the year 2010.  The general conclusion of this work shows that, the simplification of the analysis of vulnerability by product of the overlap of flood zones and the degree of marginalization, allow to estimate accurately and with high reliability the most vulnerable areas, which would be given priority in the taking of actions dedicated to the reduction and prevention of the existing and future situation of vulnerability.

  • Número de páginas: 26

  • Luis Alberto Olín Fabela
  • David Iglesias Piña
  • Fermín Carreño Meléndez
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