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In the Spanish construction sector, the interaction between the different stakeholders in the achievement of a construction project is traditionally characterized by the transaction between the parties. Whether between Owner or Promoter and Builder, as well as between Main Contractor and Subcontractors, the contracts usually reflect an exchange of services with their economic counterpart without further ado. A transaction that does not transcend specific needs generated by a project, which defines the product object of the execution to which the contracts refer. In addition, the person responsible for its execution has not participated in the drafting of the project, nor has the person promoting it commissioned it duly supported by a solid program of needs.

The same culture is also present in the hiring of the Designer, and labor relations in construction companies. In the first case, an economic transaction for the definition of the product, in general, without having a market study, hoping that the technical competence and professional experience of the designer are sufficient for a definition aligned with the demand. Meanwhile, in the second, the fulfillment of a working day is expected for the salary received. A reality that, by itself, does not generate motivation and commitment beyond contractual rights and duties. The transaction without further ado, and the instability of the economic framework situation, alternate the negotiating power of the contracts, at times to the contracting party, and at others to the contracted party, depending on the behavior of the binomial demand and supply, giving all the prominence to the tension between the parties due to conflicting interests.

Confrontation is not a favorable environment to respond to the challenges facing the construction sector: improve its competitiveness, and increase its productivity. Current strategies, such as the implementation of the BIM methodology, tools framed in the Lean philosophy, digital transformation, among others, are based on the need for collaboration among all to achieve their objective. In this scenario, construction companies have an opportunity to improve their competitiveness by promoting a culture of collaboration on a multilateral basis.

In this work, a methodology is presented so that construction companies can lead the collaborative culture in the construction sector with the implementation of the collaborative culture area in their organization chart. The axes of collaboration proposed by the methodology cover the integration of internal and external agents to the company, starting with the creation of differential value in its internal culture, and spreading it towards clients, suppliers and other technicians in the sector such as designers, and members of the facultative management of the works, thus generating a new need, in which their collaboration is a success differential to minimize variability and increase profitability in construction projects.

La misma cultura está presente también en la contratación del Proyectista, y relaciones laborales en las empresas de construcción. En el primer caso, una transacción económica para la definición del producto, en general, sin contar con un estudio de mercado, esperando que la competencia técnica y experiencia profesional del proyectista sean suficientes para una definición alineada con la demanda. Mientras tanto, en el segundo, se espera el cumplimiento de una jornada laboral por el salario percibido. Una realidad que, por si sola, no genera motivación y compromiso más allá de los derechos y deberes contractuales. La transacción sin más, y la inestabilidad de la coyuntura marco económica, alternan el poder de negociación de los contratos, en momentos al contratante, y en otras sobre el contratado, en función del comportamiento del binomio demanda y oferta, dando todo el protagonismo a la tensión entre las partes por intereses desencontrados.
La confrontación no es un entorno propicio para dar respuesta a los desafíos que se enfrenta el sector de la construcción: mejorar su competitividad, e incrementar su productividad. Las estrategias actuales, como la implantación de la metodología BIM, de herramientas enmarcadas en la filosofía Lean, la transformación digital, entre otras, se basan en la necesidad de colaboración entre todos para lograr su objetivo. En este escenario, las empresas constructoras tienen una oportunidad de mejorar su competitividad promoviendo la cultura de la colaboración de forma multilateral.
En este trabajo se presenta una metodología para que las empresas constructoras pueden liderar la cultura colaborativa en el sector de la construcción con la implantación del área de cultura colaborativa en su organigrama. Los ejes de colaboración propuestos por la metodología abarcan la integración de agentes internos y externos a la compañía, empezando por la creación de valor diferencial en su cultura interna, y propagarlo hacia clientes, proveedores y demás técnicos del sector como proyectistas, e integrantes de la dirección facultativa de las obras, generando así, una nueva necesidad, en que su colaboración sea un diferencial de éxito para minimizar la variabilidad e incrementar la rentabilidad en los proyectos de construcción.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317292207062

  • Palavras-chave: Collaborative culture, BIM, Lean, Contract

  • Keywords: Collaborative culture, BIM, Lean, Contract

  • Abstract:

    In the Spanish construction sector, the interaction between the different stakeholders in the achievement of a construction project is traditionally characterized by the transaction between the parties. Whether between Owner or Promoter and Builder, as well as between Main Contractor and Subcontractors, the contracts usually reflect an exchange of services with their economic counterpart without further ado. A transaction that does not transcend specific needs generated by a project, which defines the product object of the execution to which the contracts refer. In addition, the person responsible for its execution has not participated in the drafting of the project, nor has the person promoting it commissioned it duly supported by a solid program of needs.

    The same culture is also present in the hiring of the Designer, and labor relations in construction companies. In the first case, an economic transaction for the definition of the product, in general, without having a market study, hoping that the technical competence and professional experience of the designer are sufficient for a definition aligned with the demand. Meanwhile, in the second, the fulfillment of a working day is expected for the salary received. A reality that, by itself, does not generate motivation and commitment beyond contractual rights and duties. The transaction without further ado, and the instability of the economic framework situation, alternate the negotiating power of the contracts, at times to the contracting party, and at others to the contracted party, depending on the behavior of the binomial demand and supply, giving all the prominence to the tension between the parties due to conflicting interests.

    Confrontation is not a favorable environment to respond to the challenges facing the construction sector: improve its competitiveness, and increase its productivity. Current strategies, such as the implementation of the BIM methodology, tools framed in the Lean philosophy, digital transformation, among others, are based on the need for collaboration among all to achieve their objective. In this scenario, construction companies have an opportunity to improve their competitiveness by promoting a culture of collaboration on a multilateral basis.

    In this work, a methodology is presented so that construction companies can lead the collaborative culture in the construction sector with the implementation of the collaborative culture area in their organization chart. The axes of collaboration proposed by the methodology cover the integration of internal and external agents to the company, starting with the creation of differential value in its internal culture, and spreading it towards clients, suppliers and other technicians in the sector such as designers, and members of the facultative management of the works, thus generating a new need, in which their collaboration is a success differential to minimize variability and increase profitability in construction projects.

  • Número de páginas: 18

  • Sergio Angusto
  • Eugenio Pellicer
  • Salazar Santos Fonseca
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