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Introduction: The cervix is located between the bottom of the vagina and the uterine cavity. Cervical cancer, a malignant neoplasm, is one of the most common forms of cancer in Brazil. This chronic condition presents symptoms such as abnormal menstruation, pelvic pain after sexual intercourse and vaginal bleeding, among others. To prevent this neoplasia, methods such as vaccination against HPV (human papilloma virus), the use of condoms during sexual intercourse and cervical cytology tests are essential. Objective: The purpose of this article is to investigate the incidence of cervical malignancy among Brazilian women. Methods: this is an observational ecological study, with data obtained by the Information Technology Service of the Unified Health System, DATASUS, and the National Cancer Institute. Results: Cervical cancer is the second most common in the North (20.48/100 thousand) and Northeast (17.59/100 thousand) regions and the third in the Central-West (16.66/100 thousand). In the South region (14.55/100 thousand) it occupies the fourth position and, in the Southeast region (12.93/100 thousand), the fifth position. Furthermore, hospitalization rates due to this pathology fell in the last quarter of 2022, with in October of this year there were 6,621 hospitalizations and in December of the same year there were 2,198 hospitalizations. It is worth highlighting that the southeast region had 2,597 cases of hospitalizations due to this disease, which is the highest rate in Brazil. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the percentage of hospitalizations for cervical cancer has suffered a significant reduction. However, this neoplasm is still present in Brazilian society due to the lack of adherence to routine exams that must be carried out on women, such as preventive exams, in addition to the lack of awareness about the importance of using condoms during sexual intercourse. 

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Brazilian, Cervix, Women, Neoplasia

  • Keywords: Brazilian, Cervix, Women, Neoplasia

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: The cervix is located between the bottom of the vagina and the uterine cavity. Cervical cancer, a malignant neoplasm, is one of the most common forms of cancer in Brazil. This chronic condition presents symptoms such as abnormal menstruation, pelvic pain after sexual intercourse and vaginal bleeding, among others. To prevent this neoplasia, methods such as vaccination against HPV (human papilloma virus), the use of condoms during sexual intercourse and cervical cytology tests are essential. Objective: The purpose of this article is to investigate the incidence of cervical malignancy among Brazilian women. Methods: this is an observational ecological study, with data obtained by the Information Technology Service of the Unified Health System, DATASUS, and the National Cancer Institute. Results: Cervical cancer is the second most common in the North (20.48/100 thousand) and Northeast (17.59/100 thousand) regions and the third in the Central-West (16.66/100 thousand). In the South region (14.55/100 thousand) it occupies the fourth position and, in the Southeast region (12.93/100 thousand), the fifth position. Furthermore, hospitalization rates due to this pathology fell in the last quarter of 2022, with in October of this year there were 6,621 hospitalizations and in December of the same year there were 2,198 hospitalizations. It is worth highlighting that the southeast region had 2,597 cases of hospitalizations due to this disease, which is the highest rate in Brazil. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the percentage of hospitalizations for cervical cancer has suffered a significant reduction. However, this neoplasm is still present in Brazilian society due to the lack of adherence to routine exams that must be carried out on women, such as preventive exams, in addition to the lack of awareness about the importance of using condoms during sexual intercourse. 

  • Maria Clara Carvalho Martins Leal
  • Yasmim Nascimento Gonçalves
  • Maria Clara Andrade Vieira
  • Luysa Mell Gonçalves Torres
  • Kamila Miwa Okada
  • Lorena Maria Ribeiro Magalhães
  • Anne karolyne Caldeira da Silva
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