Artigo - Atena Editora


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Incidence of infection and impairment of elderly people in a social group who were infected by the Covid-19 virus during the pandemic

This scientific article aims to elucidate the incidence of infection and impairment of elderly people infected with the Covid-19 virus in a community group during the pandemic. By highlighting the age factor, which physiologically brings changes to the health of the elderly, infection with the Covid-19 virus can further weaken their condition, bringing important changes to the respiratory, cognitive and motor systems. This study analyzed a group of elderly people who meet regularly and actively participate in various activities. During the pandemic, their meetings were restricted to the safety measures adopted at the time to minimize cases of infection. All the participants were analyzed when the meetings were able to resume, maintaining all the protective measures necessary for the health care of those involved.

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Incidence of infection and impairment of elderly people in a social group who were infected by the Covid-19 virus during the pandemic

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Incidence; Covid-19; Elderly

  • Keywords: Incidence; Covid-19; Elderly

  • Abstract: This scientific article aims to elucidate the incidence of infection and impairment of elderly people infected with the Covid-19 virus in a community group during the pandemic. By highlighting the age factor, which physiologically brings changes to the health of the elderly, infection with the Covid-19 virus can further weaken their condition, bringing important changes to the respiratory, cognitive and motor systems. This study analyzed a group of elderly people who meet regularly and actively participate in various activities. During the pandemic, their meetings were restricted to the safety measures adopted at the time to minimize cases of infection. All the participants were analyzed when the meetings were able to resume, maintaining all the protective measures necessary for the health care of those involved.

  • Igor Ribeiro da Silva
  • Fernanda Dias Boiça
  • Mônica Ferreira Rezende Rosário
  • Adrielly Gomes da Silva
  • Poliana Toledo Bastos
  • Ruymar Ramos Barboza Filho
  • Analice Soares Magalhães
  • Silvani Barreto Assumpção Cardoso
  • Auner Pereira Carneiro
  • Juliano da Silva França
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