Introduction: Skin conditions are frequent among the health problems in Primary Care in many territories where Family Health teams operate in Brazil. However, there are few tools developed to support the approach of skin diseases by non-specialist professionals. Objectives: to identify the best evidence and to synthesize, through data collection found in the literature, the importance of MFC's role in assisting users with dermatological conditions in the context of Primary Health Care. Data sources: a bibliographic review was carried out in the scielo and academic google databases, only in Portuguese. Searches were carried out between the months of March/2021 to April/2021. Selection of studies: the studies were selected by this author, using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, which were only articles in Portuguese, published between 2011 and 2018 and that were relevant to the topic. Data extraction: the selection of the sample was carried out using the descriptors proposed in the study and the articles that met the inclusion criteria proposed in the research were characterized. The search descriptors used in Portuguese were "Family and community doctor in dermatological care", "Primary care and dermatology", "Family and community doctor". Data synthesis: a systematic review was carried out on the role of the family doctor in the covid19 and mental health context. It was a literature survey type study characterized as a descriptive review. The articles were selected by consulting the scielo and academic google databases using the descriptors: "Family and community doctor in dermatological care", "Primary care and Dermatology", "Family and community doctor". According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of seven (07) articles were obtained to compose the data. Limitations: during the synthesis of the data, we came across the scarcity of material that could contextualize the importance of the MFC in dermatological care in Primary Care. Conclusion: With the analysis of the articles selected for this research, it can be concluded that the role of the specialist in Family and Community Medicine in the field of dermatology is effective, increasing the global resolution of demand in the Primary Care service. It reduces the number of referrals to referral services in dermatology, reducing pent-up demand and generating savings in resources, managing the best way to resolve when you can and refer when necessary.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592109121
Palavras-chave: Primary Health Care; Dermatology; Family and Community Doctor.
Keywords: Primary Health Care; Dermatology; Family and Community Doctor.
Introduction: Skin conditions are frequent among the health problems in Primary Care in many territories where Family Health teams operate in Brazil. However, there are few tools developed to support the approach of skin diseases by non-specialist professionals. Objectives: to identify the best evidence and to synthesize, through data collection found in the literature, the importance of MFC's role in assisting users with dermatological conditions in the context of Primary Health Care. Data sources: a bibliographic review was carried out in the scielo and academic google databases, only in Portuguese. Searches were carried out between the months of March/2021 to April/2021. Selection of studies: the studies were selected by this author, using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, which were only articles in Portuguese, published between 2011 and 2018 and that were relevant to the topic. Data extraction: the selection of the sample was carried out using the descriptors proposed in the study and the articles that met the inclusion criteria proposed in the research were characterized. The search descriptors used in Portuguese were "Family and community doctor in dermatological care", "Primary care and dermatology", "Family and community doctor". Data synthesis: a systematic review was carried out on the role of the family doctor in the covid19 and mental health context. It was a literature survey type study characterized as a descriptive review. The articles were selected by consulting the scielo and academic google databases using the descriptors: "Family and community doctor in dermatological care", "Primary care and Dermatology", "Family and community doctor". According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of seven (07) articles were obtained to compose the data. Limitations: during the synthesis of the data, we came across the scarcity of material that could contextualize the importance of the MFC in dermatological care in Primary Care. Conclusion: With the analysis of the articles selected for this research, it can be concluded that the role of the specialist in Family and Community Medicine in the field of dermatology is effective, increasing the global resolution of demand in the Primary Care service. It reduces the number of referrals to referral services in dermatology, reducing pent-up demand and generating savings in resources, managing the best way to resolve when you can and refer when necessary.
Número de páginas: 11
- Camyla Lemos Budib
- Larissa Giroletti Tomasi
- Victor Campos de Albuquerque
- Vanessa Britto Zafra