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capa do ebook Implementation of the Men's Reflective Group and the decrease in the recurrence of cases of violence against women

Implementation of the Men's Reflective Group and the decrease in the recurrence of cases of violence against women

Violence against women is related to gender inequalities present in society. This is because it is marked by patriarchy, which trivializes, legitimizes and generates society's omission in the face of the violation of women's rights. Given this scenario, specific public policies to combat violence against women become essential. Therefore, the Barra do Garças Front Network was built in order to improve public responses to domestic violence against women. In this context, an important measure emerged: the Men's Reflective Group (GRH). This is a treatment program aimed at those who commit aggression against women, in which participants reflect on their actions, as well as the construction of masculinity and its implications, aiming to change their behaviors, when possible. Thus, the present study aims to understand the relationship between HRM and the decrease in the recurrence of cases of violence against women.

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Implementation of the Men's Reflective Group and the decrease in the recurrence of cases of violence against women

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558222230016

  • Palavras-chave: Violence against women; HRM; Masculinity.

  • Keywords: Violence against women; HRM; Masculinity.

  • Abstract:

    Violence against women is related to gender inequalities present in society. This is because it is marked by patriarchy, which trivializes, legitimizes and generates society's omission in the face of the violation of women's rights. Given this scenario, specific public policies to combat violence against women become essential. Therefore, the Barra do Garças Front Network was built in order to improve public responses to domestic violence against women. In this context, an important measure emerged: the Men's Reflective Group (GRH). This is a treatment program aimed at those who commit aggression against women, in which participants reflect on their actions, as well as the construction of masculinity and its implications, aiming to change their behaviors, when possible. Thus, the present study aims to understand the relationship between HRM and the decrease in the recurrence of cases of violence against women.

  • Número de páginas: 12

  • Jamile Moreira Kassem
  • Luís Antonio Bitante Fernandes
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