Implementation of the Registration and Evaluation Process of Complementary Activities
Implementation of the Registration and Evaluation Process of Complementary Activities
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583332308097
Palavras-chave: Créditos, Actividades, Sistema.
Keywords: Credits, Activities, System.
The objective of this project is to support students who carry out complementary activities by registering directly on the platform, without having to go to each department involved. The project is generated due to the need of the areas responsible to adequately coordinate complementary credit activities. Currently, the process is carried out directly in each area and manually, causing lack of control and communication problems, because students frequently lose their documents (certificates) and the departments have to generate them again. This causes administrative problems such as long waiting lists and delays in the delivery of proof of compliance with said activity.
For this reason, an automated system was implemented for the registration of complementary activities, which allows the student to access the website, review which complementary activities are authorized, register for the one that is most attractive, according to their availability. schedule and without the need to go in person to the respective department, which also allows constant monitoring. Additionally, the certificate is issued through the website at the time of accreditation of the activity and can be downloaded at any time. It facilitates the work of administrators through a better record of the complementary activities carried out by students, obtaining, digitally and in real time, the list of the workshops offered, the list of students who have already released the workshops and the necessary statistical information for reporting indicators.
- Leonor Angeles Hernandez
- Leticia Bedolla Vázquez
- Mónica Leticia Acosta Miranda
- Venancio Bárcenas Martínez
- Edi Ray Zavaleta Olea