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BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a methodology applied to the process of designing preliminary projects, preparing basic and executive projects, virtual construction and construction simulation, schedule, budget, as well as documentation for contracting and executing a work. Allows you to monitor construction, history of adaptations and asset management.

In Brazil, it is common to increase costs and deadlines in public works contracts, resulting in numerous competitive disadvantages for the country. It is noticed that the causes of this increase arise from the fragility of planning and the difficulty of monitoring and controlling projects and works.

BIM has become a State matter, by the Federal Government through Decree Number 9.337/2018 and in Minas Gerais by Decree Number 48.146/2021.

The implementation of BIM in public works makes it possible to manage multidisciplinary information in real time by unifying and interconnecting all construction processes in a coordinated and transparent manner.

LaBIM /DER/MG was implemented, with the support of CODEMGE, and internal diagnoses were carried out, mapping the level of BIM maturity in the institution, formation of a Study Group, for the internal acculturation and dissemination of BIM.

DER/MG participates in the THEMATIC CHAMBER OF THE BIM STRATEGY COSUD, and through partnerships, benchmarking and participation in Seminars, it has been expanding its knowledge in BIM. Recently, laser scanning and modeling of a bridge covering 10,000 m² were carried out, laser scanning was contracted for 6 regional hospitals, such as a cadastral survey of around 150,000 m² and the Public Notice for the Hemonucleo de São João del Rey.

The next steps to be taken will be the experiences of the pilots directed towards the development of the regulatory framework, the BIM Library, the specification book for bidding in BIM and the publication of the first public notice that contemplates the BIM concept.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317322222122

  • Palavras-chave: BIM, Transparency, Technology, Public works, LaBIM/DER/MG

  • Keywords: BIM, Transparency, Technology, Public works, LaBIM/DER/MG

  • Abstract:

    BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a methodology applied to the process of designing preliminary projects, preparing basic and executive projects, virtual construction and construction simulation, schedule, budget, as well as documentation for contracting and executing a work. Allows you to monitor construction, history of adaptations and asset management.

    In Brazil, it is common to increase costs and deadlines in public works contracts, resulting in numerous competitive disadvantages for the country. It is noticed that the causes of this increase arise from the fragility of planning and the difficulty of monitoring and controlling projects and works.

    BIM has become a State matter, by the Federal Government through Decree Number 9.337/2018 and in Minas Gerais by Decree Number 48.146/2021.

    The implementation of BIM in public works makes it possible to manage multidisciplinary information in real time by unifying and interconnecting all construction processes in a coordinated and transparent manner.

    LaBIM /DER/MG was implemented, with the support of CODEMGE, and internal diagnoses were carried out, mapping the level of BIM maturity in the institution, formation of a Study Group, for the internal acculturation and dissemination of BIM.

    DER/MG participates in the THEMATIC CHAMBER OF THE BIM STRATEGY COSUD, and through partnerships, benchmarking and participation in Seminars, it has been expanding its knowledge in BIM. Recently, laser scanning and modeling of a bridge covering 10,000 m² were carried out, laser scanning was contracted for 6 regional hospitals, such as a cadastral survey of around 150,000 m² and the Public Notice for the Hemonucleo de São João del Rey.

    The next steps to be taken will be the experiences of the pilots directed towards the development of the regulatory framework, the BIM Library, the specification book for bidding in BIM and the publication of the first public notice that contemplates the BIM concept.

  • Anna Luiza Braga Amaral Bicalho
  • Bruna Cristina Beltrão Silva Beleigoli
  • Maria de Fátima Amazonas de Sá Araújo
  • Vitor Calixto Curi
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