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Impacts of the Academic Monitoring Activity in the Human Anatomy Discipline on Medicine Course students

Introduction: Academic supervision is an opportunity for students to develop teaching skills, deepen domain-specific knowledge, and contribute to the teaching process of supervised students. This complementary event is officially established in the Brazilian artistic scene. Article 41 of Law 5,540/68 and ratified in Article 5. Article 84 of Law number 9,394, of December 20, 1996, is known as the National Law of Guidelines and Fundamentals of Education (LDB). The above-mentioned laws regulate the activities of students as supervisors. Thus, the supervision procedure is shaped according to the common parameters of delegation of rights and obligations to three parties: teacher-supervisor, student-supervisor and educational institution. These points are the basis for monitoring human anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine.
Goals: This work aims to explain learning techniques and methods used during Human Anatomy Monitoring, as a way of increasing content retention and learning consistency in students studying the subject. Methodology: the subject "Human Anatomy" is taught in the first year of the undergraduate Medicine course. Regardless of how the discipline is studied, topics related to the description, location, recognition and mapping of body parts are part of the body of knowledge of this discipline. The methodology used was the application of direct activities, with teachers, and indirect activities, only with students, using practical classes, scavenger hunts on anatomical pieces, online questionnaires with questions on the topic and classes taught in a conference format. Results and Discussion: Being a basic discipline, the program can be the subject of situational approaches in certain units of knowledge that seek to privilege the specific and technical training of the different courses. In the anatomy laboratory, time not used by teachers in practical classes can be used by groups of students to review what they have learned. In the particular case of this study, support for these groups values the educational environment and resources offered by the educational institution. This contributed to carrying out initiatives to promote the selection and training of field observation students. Students participating in the workshop then receive assistance in the studies planned by the monitor responsible for monitoring, in addition to being educated on the principles and importance of academic attendance for the discipline and academic-professional training. Implementation of the monitoring activity requires the supervisor to plan in collaboration with his or her advisor. Prior knowledge of the subject and the ingenuity to modify the content in front of supervised students are difficulties that weigh on beginning learners. The promotion of higher education is an inherent function of supervision and can only be experienced by creating opportunities for inclusion in supervision, offering theoretical courses and supervised internships. However, the time spent on planning and implementing theoretical courses makes it difficult for beginners to repeat them at the beginning of the monitoring period. This situation can be resolved with the presence of older monitors welcoming new monitors, instructing them and preparing them under the supervision of a mentor teacher for these tasks. Monitoring courses take place in the human anatomy laboratory and these include scheduled assessments requested by students who have been monitored by completing the Monitoring Request Form, including: names of student-candidates, courses, documents required for teaching, time and date. This must be requested at least 2 days in advance. This advance is necessary to avoid duplication of scheduling and to allow supervisors time to prepare for the supervisor class and seek additional guidance in answering questions and tutoring classes are designed specifically for review. Subsequent classes can be organized into the following groups: monitors assisting in practical classes, classes led by a mentor teacher, using an anatomy atlas or textbook, or a free online exhibition; Simulated gymkhana test - test in the morphofunctional laboratory. Flashcards with anatomical figures for later review. The students spread out on the benches and went through all the stations and must identify the anatomical structures marked with pins on the pieces. Another indirect monitoring activity is one where the student is left free on the benches for independent study. The Monitor accompanies the team and is ready to answer any questions you may have. As can be seen, the dynamics of surveillance can be quite broad, relying only on the creativity of the student and the monitor to develop scenarios and educational games that improve the use of content by students. Conclusion: The exercise of academic monitoring as a complementary and non-mandatory activity in higher education provides great opportunities for student teaching in the student teaching-learning process and expands the student's insertion in the educational issues of the HEI, making them more critical of their own academic training. -professional. This way, academic monitoring is a beneficial pedagogical advantage not only for the monitored students, who benefit from an additional source of consultation, trust and learning, but also for the supervising professor, who has his teaching responsibility not only for himself, but shared with the monitor. However, from a more personal and future perspective, the person who gains the most is the student-monitor relationship, which better supports their knowledge of the specific area of study and enhances their critical sense as an academic and professional, both to pursue a teaching career and to serve society in general.

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Impacts of the Academic Monitoring Activity in the Human Anatomy Discipline on Medicine Course students

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Human Anatomy. Anatomy Monitoring. Learning Methods.

  • Keywords: Human Anatomy. Anatomy Monitoring. Learning Methods.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Academic supervision is an opportunity for students to develop teaching skills, deepen domain-specific knowledge, and contribute to the teaching process of supervised students. This complementary event is officially established in the Brazilian artistic scene. Article 41 of Law 5,540/68 and ratified in Article 5. Article 84 of Law number 9,394, of December 20, 1996, is known as the National Law of Guidelines and Fundamentals of Education (LDB). The above-mentioned laws regulate the activities of students as supervisors. Thus, the supervision procedure is shaped according to the common parameters of delegation of rights and obligations to three parties: teacher-supervisor, student-supervisor and educational institution. These points are the basis for monitoring human anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine.
    Goals: This work aims to explain learning techniques and methods used during Human Anatomy Monitoring, as a way of increasing content retention and learning consistency in students studying the subject. Methodology: the subject "Human Anatomy" is taught in the first year of the undergraduate Medicine course. Regardless of how the discipline is studied, topics related to the description, location, recognition and mapping of body parts are part of the body of knowledge of this discipline. The methodology used was the application of direct activities, with teachers, and indirect activities, only with students, using practical classes, scavenger hunts on anatomical pieces, online questionnaires with questions on the topic and classes taught in a conference format. Results and Discussion: Being a basic discipline, the program can be the subject of situational approaches in certain units of knowledge that seek to privilege the specific and technical training of the different courses. In the anatomy laboratory, time not used by teachers in practical classes can be used by groups of students to review what they have learned. In the particular case of this study, support for these groups values the educational environment and resources offered by the educational institution. This contributed to carrying out initiatives to promote the selection and training of field observation students. Students participating in the workshop then receive assistance in the studies planned by the monitor responsible for monitoring, in addition to being educated on the principles and importance of academic attendance for the discipline and academic-professional training. Implementation of the monitoring activity requires the supervisor to plan in collaboration with his or her advisor. Prior knowledge of the subject and the ingenuity to modify the content in front of supervised students are difficulties that weigh on beginning learners. The promotion of higher education is an inherent function of supervision and can only be experienced by creating opportunities for inclusion in supervision, offering theoretical courses and supervised internships. However, the time spent on planning and implementing theoretical courses makes it difficult for beginners to repeat them at the beginning of the monitoring period. This situation can be resolved with the presence of older monitors welcoming new monitors, instructing them and preparing them under the supervision of a mentor teacher for these tasks. Monitoring courses take place in the human anatomy laboratory and these include scheduled assessments requested by students who have been monitored by completing the Monitoring Request Form, including: names of student-candidates, courses, documents required for teaching, time and date. This must be requested at least 2 days in advance. This advance is necessary to avoid duplication of scheduling and to allow supervisors time to prepare for the supervisor class and seek additional guidance in answering questions and tutoring classes are designed specifically for review. Subsequent classes can be organized into the following groups: monitors assisting in practical classes, classes led by a mentor teacher, using an anatomy atlas or textbook, or a free online exhibition; Simulated gymkhana test - test in the morphofunctional laboratory. Flashcards with anatomical figures for later review. The students spread out on the benches and went through all the stations and must identify the anatomical structures marked with pins on the pieces. Another indirect monitoring activity is one where the student is left free on the benches for independent study. The Monitor accompanies the team and is ready to answer any questions you may have. As can be seen, the dynamics of surveillance can be quite broad, relying only on the creativity of the student and the monitor to develop scenarios and educational games that improve the use of content by students. Conclusion: The exercise of academic monitoring as a complementary and non-mandatory activity in higher education provides great opportunities for student teaching in the student teaching-learning process and expands the student's insertion in the educational issues of the HEI, making them more critical of their own academic training. -professional. This way, academic monitoring is a beneficial pedagogical advantage not only for the monitored students, who benefit from an additional source of consultation, trust and learning, but also for the supervising professor, who has his teaching responsibility not only for himself, but shared with the monitor. However, from a more personal and future perspective, the person who gains the most is the student-monitor relationship, which better supports their knowledge of the specific area of study and enhances their critical sense as an academic and professional, both to pursue a teaching career and to serve society in general.

  • Beatriz Linhares Rodrigues
  • Janderson Teixeira Rodrigues
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