Artigo - Atena Editora


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Imma Mengual. Storyteller escultórica

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929262230084

  • Palavras-chave: Escultura; huesos; anormalidad; rituales; arte contemporáneo

  • Keywords: Sculpture; bones; abnormality; rituals; contemporary art

  • Abstract:

    This research focuses on the work of Imma Mengual, a multidisciplinary Spanish artist who dominates from the most traditional sculptural techniques to digital graphic design and theoretical research. The comparative methodology used in the investigation of his work allows establishing the relationships between different points of view: psychological, moral, social and cultural that influence his artistic creation, attracting his discourses towards the limits imposed by society of appearances and norms, and entering the domestic microcosm where rituals help perpetuate models, roles and stereotypes.

  • Lourdes Santamaría Blasco
  • Juan Fco. Martínez Gómez de Albacete
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