Imaging assessment of stress fractures (fatigue/failure)
Imaging assessment of stress fractures (fatigue/failure)
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593852311102
Palavras-chave: Fratura por Estresse; Fratura por Fadiga; Fratura por Insuficiência; Reação de Estresse ósseo; Fratura patológica
Keywords: Stress Fracture; Fatigue Fracture; Insufficiency Fracture; Bone Stress Reaction; Pathological fracture
Abstract: Stress fractures are increasingly common in our country. History taking and physical examination are essential tools for diagnosis. However, imaging methods very important in confirming these injuries. Although plain radiography is the initial choice, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the modality with the greatest sensitivity and specificity for the early detection of this type of fracture. The present study aims to review the literature, identifying the most consistent imaging findings and offering a practical approach to the diagnosis of stress fractures through a systematic assessment.
- Marina Lucena Aguiar Roriz
- Lorena Chérida Alves Vidal
- Germana Bastos Pontes
- Manuel Joaquim Diógenes Teixeira
- Gisele Façanha Diógenes Teixeira
- Cláudio Régis Sampaio Silveira